Hello Joel,

Saturday, February 16, 2008, 4:09:11 PM, you wrote:

JM> Bob,

JM> Here is how you can tell the array to ignore cache sync commands
JM> and the force unit access bits...(Sorry if it wraps..)

JM> On a Solaris CAM install, the 'service' command is in "/opt/SUNWsefms/bin"

JM> To read the current settings:
JM> service -d arrayname -c read -q nvsram region=0xf2 host=0x00

JM> save this output so you can reverse the changes below easily if needed...

JM> To set new values:

JM> service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x17 value=0x01 
JM> service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x18 value=0x01 
JM> service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x21 value=0x01 

JM> Host region 00 is Solaris (w/Traffic Manager)

JM> You will need to reboot both controllers after making the change before it 
becomes active.

Is it also necessary and does it work on 2530?

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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