Scott L. Burson wrote:
> To my astonishment, the problem has turned out to be a bad power supply after 
> all.  I didn't believe it until some of the SCSI drives in the same box 
> started acting up also.
> Score: ZFS: 1, $180 OCZ PowerStream 600: 0   :)
> I would still argue that a salvager would be a useful addition to ZFS for 
> situations like these.  While I managed to back up most of the most valuable 
> data before I lost the pool, as it turned out there were a couple of 
> recently-modified files I didn't have copies of.  I wound up writing a C 
> program to search the disks for strings that I knew were in these file; for 
> each match, reading in the disk contents in the vicinity with `dd'; and 
> poring over the data with Emacs to see if this was the version of the file I 
> needed and if so, to pull out the contents.  This mostly worked, but was 
> tedious.  Given the amount of redundancy in a ZFS pool, it seems like a 
> salvager should be able to recover a lot of stuff (not that it will be easy 
> to write one).

Good thing you didn't use compression, eh? :-)
 -- richard

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