I am trying to understand the ZFS layout from a pdf available on Solaris site.
I have couple of queries related to it.
1. Layout tells "root vdev" is th main root vdev and other vdevs (physical
and top level vdevs are arranged in a tree format). So is "root vdev" is a
single entity for whole ZFS? or given a ZFS if the file system is created
different "root vdev" is created every time?
Basically I would like to understand the tree structure with the other file
systems (ex. ext2fs).
2. Also does for each physical storage there will be a mirror accociated with
it?. I mean for a top level vdev there will be always two physical devices and
one of them is a mirror for the other?
3. Can vdevs ( (logical or toplevel and not physical vdevs) can contains
more than 2 childern?. Since zfs layout says it is a tree structure. If so I
would like to know for what type ZFS uses that representation.
thanks & regards,
sridhar surampudi.
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