<troll bait>

Rich Teer wrote:
> I should know better than to reply to a troll, but I can't let this
> personal attack stand.  I know Al, and I can tell you for a fact that
> he is *far* from "technically incompentent".
> Judging from the length of your diatribe (which I didn't bother reading),
> you seem to subscribe to the "if you can't blind 'em with science,
> baffle them with bullshit" school of thought.  I'd take the word of
> any number of people on this list over yours, anyday.
I'm sure this troll will reply to you as he did to me. I just can't help 
laughing at his responses anymore. I do find it odd that someone has so 
much time on their hands to just post such remarks. It's as if they 
think they are doing themself or the world a flavor.

</troll bait>
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