On Sat, 17 Nov 2007, can you guess? wrote:

> Ah - I see we have another incompetent psychic chiming in - and
> judging by his drivel below a technical incompetent as well.  While I
> really can't help him with the former area, I can at least try to
> educate him in the latter.

I should know better than to reply to a troll, but I can't let this
personal attack stand.  I know Al, and I can tell you for a fact that
he is *far* from "technically incompentent".

Judging from the length of your diatribe (which I didn't bother reading),
you seem to subscribe to the "if you can't blind 'em with science,
baffle them with bullshit" school of thought.  I'd take the word of
any number of people on this list over yours, anyday.


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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