On 13-Nov-07, at 9:18 PM, A Darren Dunham wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 07:33:20PM -0200, Toby Thain wrote:
>>>>> Yup - that's exactly the kind of error that ZFS and
>>>> WAFL do a
>>>>> perhaps uniquely good job of catching.
>>>> WAFL can't catch all: It's distantly isolated from
>>>> the CPU end.
>>> WAFL will catch everything that ZFS catches, including the kind of
>>> DMA error described above:  it contains validating information
>>> outside the data blocks just as ZFS does.
>> Explain how it can do that, when it is isolated from the application
>> by several layers including the network?
> Ah, your "CPU end" was referring to the NFS client cpu, not the  
> storage
> device CPU.  That wasn't clear to me.  The same limitations would  
> apply
> to ZFS (or any other filesystem) when running in support of an NFS
> server.
> I thought you were trying to describe a qualitative difference between
> ZFS and WAFL in terms of data checksumming in the on-disk layout.

Yes, I was comparing apples and oranges, as our mysterious friend  
will be sure to point out. But I still don't think WAFL and ZFS are  
interchangeable, because if you *really* care about integrity you  
won't choose an isolated storage subsystem - and does anyone run WAFL  
on the application host?


> -- 
> Darren Dunham                                            
> Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http:// 
> www.taos.com/
> Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay  
> area
>          < This line left intentionally blank to confuse you. >
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