Thanks, this is really strange.
In your particular case you have /usr on the same pool as your rootfs  
and I guess that's why it is working for you.

Alll my attempts with b64, b70 and b73 failed if /usr is on a  
separate pool.

On 05/10/2007, at 4:10 PM, Andre Wenas wrote:

> Hi Kugutsumen,
> Not sure abt the bugs, I follow instruction at http:// 
> and create separate /usr, /opt and /var filesystem.
> Here is the vfstab:
> #device         device          mount           FS      fsck     
> mount   mount
> #to mount       to fsck         point           type    pass    at  
> boot options
> #
> fd      -       /dev/fd fd      -       no      -
> /proc   -       /proc   proc    -       no      -
> /dev/dsk/c0d0s1 -       -       swap    -       no      -
> /devices        -       /devices        devfs   -       no      -
> sharefs -       /etc/dfs/sharetab       sharefs -       no      -
> ctfs    -       /system/contract        ctfs    -       no      -
> objfs   -       /system/object  objfs   -       no      -
> swap    -       /tmp    tmpfs   -       yes     -
> /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:1       /dev/rdsk/c0d0p0:1      /windows/C       
> pcfs    2 yes
>   -
> /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:2       /dev/rdsk/c0d0p0:2      /windows/D       
> pcfs    2 yes
>   -
> /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:3       /dev/rdsk/c0d0p0:3      /windows/E       
> pcfs    2 yes
>   -
> rootpool/rootfs - / zfs - no -
> rootpool/rootfs/usr - /usr zfs - no -
> rootpool/rootfs/var - /var zfs - no -
> rootpool/rootfs/opt - /opt zfs - yes -
> The reason why I separate /usr, /opt, /var because I want to  
> compress them:
> bash-3.00$ zfs get compressratio rootpool/rootfs/usr
> rootpool/rootfs/usr compressratio 1.65x -
> bash-3.00$ zfs get compressratio rootpool/rootfs/var
> rootpool/rootfs/var compressratio 2.10x -
> bash-3.00$ zfs get compressratio rootpool/rootfs/opt
> rootpool/rootfs/opt compressratio 1.66x
> My entire bootdisk only need 2.5GB (entire distribution):
> bash-3.00$ zfs list rootpool/rootfs
> rootpool/rootfs 2.58G 1.85G 351M legacy
> To be able to rollback you need to create another boot environment  
> using snapshot and clone. I named the new zfs root filesystem as  
> rootpool/tx (planned to install Solaris trusted extension on the  
> new boot environment).
> bash-3.00$ zfs list -r rootpool/tx
> rootpool/tx 57.2M 1.85G 343M legacy
> rootpool/tx/opt 30K 1.85G 230M legacy
> rootpool/tx/usr 198K 1.85G 1.79G legacy
> rootpool/tx/var 644K 1.85G 68.1M legacy
> If you want to rollback you need to boot to the clone BE then  
> rollback.
> Rgds,
> Andre W.
> Kugutsumen wrote:
>> Please do share how you managed to have a separate ZFS /usr since  
>> b64; there are dependencies to /usr and they are not documented. - 
>> kv doesn't help too. I tried added /usr/lib/libdisk* to a /usr/lib  
>> dir on the root partition and failed. Jurgen also pointed that  
>> there are two related bugs already filed: Bug ID 6570056 Synopsis / 
>> sbin/zpool should not link to files in /usr/lib http:// 
>> Bug ID  
>> 6494840 Synopsis libzfs should dlopen libiscsitgt rather than  
>> linking to it 
>> bug_id=6494840 I can do a snapshot on bootroot too ... after I  
>> tried to do a rollback from failsafe I couldn't boot anymore,  
>> probably because there was no straightforward way to rebuild the  
>> boot archive. Regarding compression, if I am not mistaken, grub  
>> cannot access files that are compressed. Regards, K. On  
>> 05/10/2007, at 5:55 AM, Andre Wenas wrote:
>>> Hi, Using bootroot I can do seperate /usr filesystem since b64. I  
>>> can also do snapshot, clone and compression. Rgds, Andre W.  
>>> Kugutsumen wrote:
>>>> Lori Alt told me that mountrount was a temporary hack until grub  
>>>> could boot zfs natively. Since build 62, mountroot support was  
>>>> dropped and I am not convinced that this is a mistake. Let's  
>>>> compare the two: Mountroot: Pros: * can have root partition on  
>>>> raid-z: YES * can have root partition on zfs stripping mirror:  
>>>> YES * can have usr partition on separate ZFS partition with  
>>>> build < 72 : YES * can snapshot and rollback root partition: YES  
>>>> * can use copies on root partition on a single root disk (e.g. a  
>>>> laptop ): YES * can use compression on root partition: YES Cons:  
>>>> * grub native support: NO (if you use raid-z or stripping  
>>>> mirror, you will need to have a small UFS partition to bootstrap  
>>>> the system, but you can use a small usb stick for that purpose.)  
>>>> New and "improved" *sigh* bootroot scheme: Pros: * grub native  
>>>> support: YES Cons: * can have root partition on raid-z: NO * can  
>>>> have root partition on zfs stripping mirror: NO * can use copies  
>>>> on root partition on a single root disk (e.g. a laptop ): NO *  
>>>> can have usr partition on separate ZFS partition with build <  
>>>> 72 : NO * can snapshot and rollback root partition: NO * can use  
>>>> compression on root partition: NO * No backward compatibility  
>>>> with zfs mountroot. Why did we completely drop support for the  
>>>> old mountroot approach which is so much more flexible?  
>>>> Kugutsumen _______________________________________________ zfs- 
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