Perhaps Jonathan Schwartz really didn't want ZFS in OS X - Solaris competition 
- and he knew that if he did pre-announce ZFS in OS X that Steve Jobs would 
drop it just to get back at him. Maybe this was intentionally done by Schwartz 
to keep ZFS out of a competing OS. Just a thought.

Whatever the reason, I'm very bummed to not have heard mention of ZFS yesterday 
by Steve Jobs.

Don't get carried away. OS X is a very complex piece of software as
all OS'es are today. Incorporating a feature like zfs is not simply a
question of pulling a single program in or out. It must mature and
that takes a while. And as another pointed out those DVD's that Apple
handed out had probably all ready been burned.

I would suggest that this thread will be moved to an apple-related
list since it has nothing to do with zfs anymore.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner.

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