> I would suggest that this thread will be moved to an
> apple-related
> list since it has nothing to do with zfs anymore.
Hmm, I don't know how you figure this has nothing to do with zfs. This is all
about zfs and seems to me zfs-discuss is the perfect thread for it.
Because the discussion turned into what we thought was Apple's real
motive(s) not using zfs as leopard's default fs. But we do not know
whether Apple has actually decided on nor how far Apple actually is in
implementing zfs in leopard if they indeed decide to make zfs the
And the posts related to leopard handed out at wwdc 07 seems to
indicate that zfs is not yet fully implemented, which might be the
real reason that zfs isn't the default fs.
When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner.
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