> On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 09:43:39PM -0700, Anton B.
> Rang wrote:
> > 
> > That's only one cause of panics.
> > 
> > At least two of gino's panics appear due to
> corrupted space maps, for
> > instance. I think there may also still be a case
> where a failure to
> > read metadata during a transaction commit leads to
> a panic, too. Maybe
> > that one's been fixed, or maybe it will be handled
> by the above bug.
> The space map bugs should have been fixed as part of:
> 6458218 assertion failed: ss == NULL
> Which went into Nevada build 60.  There are several
> different
> pathologies that can result from this bug, and I
> don't know if the
> panics are from before or after this fix.  I hope
> folks from the ZFS
> team are investigating, but I can't speak for
> everyone.
> > Maybe someone needs to file a bug/RFE to remove all
> panics from ZFS,
> > at least in non-debug builds? The QFS approach is
> to panic when
> > inconsistency is found on debug builds, but return
> an appropriate
> > error code on release builds, which seems
> reasonable.
> In order to do this we need to fix 6322646 first,
> which addresses the
> issue of 'backing out' of a transaction once we're
> down in the ZIO layer
> discovering these problems.  It doesn't matter if
> it's due to an I/O
> error or space map inconsistency or I/O error if we
> can't propagate the
> error.

Now this is scary, looking from the descriptions, it is possible that we might 
lose data in zfs, and/or resulted in a corrupted zpool that panics the kernel, 
if during the write operation, zfs loses connection to underlying hardwares? 
(for example a power failure?)

But I've rarely seen that since we got UFS w/ logging in Solaris 7 or 
something. Even with UFS, there is always fsck allowing us to bring system back 
to a consistent state for recovering from previous backup. 

Is ZFS really supposed to be more reliable than UFS w/ logging, for example, in 
single disk, root file system scenario?

> - Eric
> --
> Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development
>       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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