
This is a bit off topic...but as Bill mentioned SAM-FS...my job at Sun is working in a group focused on ISV's in the archiving space (Symantec Enterprise Vault, Open Text LEA, CA Message Manager, FileNet, Mobius, AXS-One etc etc)...we see a strong interest from some of them in using SAM-FS because is solves the problem of backing up _archived _data. I just completed some interesting projects with Symantec using SAMBA + SAM-FS (Enterprise Vault is a Windows App).
One thing we have considered is using SAM-FS & ZFS together on a 
server....the archived data is written into SAM-FS by the application 
which later copies it to  ZFS (which is then a mid-tier disk archive) 
and tape (last tier). SAM-FS is being Open Sourced real soon (for people 
who care about that) also runs on x64 now.
SAM-FS + ZFS + Thumper (Sun Fire x4500) + tape could be a nice back end 
for an archiving application.


Bill Sprouse said the following :
On Apr 18, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Maybe with a definition of what a "backup" is and then some way to
achieve it. As far as I know the only real backup is one that can be
tossed into a vault and locked away for seven years.  Or any arbitrary
amount of time within in reason. Like a decade or a century.   But
perhaps a backup today will have as much meaning as papertape over

Can we discuss this with a few objectives ?  Like define "backup" and
then describe mechanisms that may achieve one?  Or a really big
question that I guess I have to ask, do we even care anymore?

This is actually a good point.  ZFS seems to be able to do a credible 
job of keeping itself intact and free from corruption in a day to day 
operational sense and provides for those conveniences like snapshots.  
It may be that we need to overcome our innate fear of spinning rust 
failure and trust in the force, er, technology.  However, there still 
is need for a good way to provide archival storage on a regular basis 
for regulatory and reference reasons as well as disaster recovery 
archives which live off site in  a vault someplace.  There is also the 
need to minimize consumption of expensive fast disk by use of nearline 
cheap SATA or off line tape (D-D-T, SAMFS).  It seems like the 
industry has developed ways to achieve this over the last 20 years (50 
years?), but we just don't have access to this with ZFS yet in a 
convenient and easy to manage way.  I'm hoping someone will tell me 
I'm way wrong and provide a nice explanation of this works.

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