Hello Wee,

Friday, April 20, 2007, 5:20:00 AM, you wrote:

WYT> On 4/20/07, Robert Milkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can limit how much memory zfs can use for its caching.

WYT> Indeed, but that memory will still be locked.  How can you tell the
WYT> system to be "flexible" with the caching?

It shouldn't be locked but in reality it can.

WYT> I deem that archiving will not present a cache challenge but we will
WYT> want zfs to prefetch (or do whatever magic) when staging in files.  We
WYT> do not want to limit ZFS's cache but we want to tell the system to
WYT> prefer SAMFS's cache to ZFS's.

I don't know how SAM-FS works (I've never used it) but I'm surprised
that you started paging via using swap - or perhaps you meant
something else.

If qfs uses standard page cache perhaps increasing segmap would also
help. It's still static however.

By limit ZFS arc you are not disabling prefetching or any other

First I would be most interested what exactly happened when your
server started to crawl 'coz you can't "swap out" page cache or arc

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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