On Thu, April 12, 2007 4:49 pm, Nicolas Williams wrote:

> Sigh.  We have devolved.  Every thread on
> OpenSolaris discuss lists seems to devolve
> into a license discussion.

i think it's a Good Thing because it's important to the
community.  talking about something like this is the process
that communities go through to better understand their shared
values.  in time the discussion will die down.  i suspect what
wearies most folks is the reactionary commentary that some
people bring to the discussion.

hypothetically, if the linux kernel didn't exist, who here
would support opensolaris being gpl'd (assume gplv3, *not*
dual-licensed, and no existing CDDL dependencies)?

if you wouldn't support it what are the top two reasons you
think the gpl would be problematic for opensolaris (same above
assumptions apply)?


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