There is one big difference which you see here. ZFS always honors the
users umask, and that is why the file was created with 644 permission
rather than 664 as UFS did. ZFS has to always apply the users umask
because of POSIX.
Wow, that's a big show stopper! If I tell the users, that after the
transition they have to toggle their umask before/after writing to
certain directories or need to do a chmod, I'm sure they wanna hang me
right on the next tree and wanna get their OS changed to Linux/Windooze...
Only if your goal is to ignore a users intent on what permissions their
files should be created with. Think about users who set their umask to
077. They will be upset when their files are created with a more
permissive mode. The ZFS way is much more secure.
What is your real desired goal? Are you just wanting anybody in a
specific group to be able to read,write all files in a certain directory
tree? If so, then there are other ways to achieve this, with file and
directory inheritance.
Isn't there a flag/property for zfs, to get back the old behavior
or to enable POSIX-ACLs instead of zfs-ACLs?
A "force_directory_create_mode=0770,force_file_create_mode=0660'
(like for samba shares) property would be even better - no need to fight
with ACLs...
That would be bad. That would mean that every file in a file system
would be forced to be created with forced set of permissions.
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