On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 08:45:47AM -0600, Mark Shellenbaum wrote:

Hi Mark,

> Jens Elkner wrote:
> >        cp -P -r -p /dir /pool1/zfsdir
> >        # cp: Insufficient memory to save acl entry

> I will open a bug on that.

Also opened a case: #37814372

> I can't reproduce your simple test.

Ehmm, yepp - was propably already to late :-(: s,/docs,/zfsdir,

> There is one big difference which you see here.  ZFS always honors the 
> users umask, and that is why the file was created with 644 permission 
> rather than 664 as UFS did.  ZFS has to always apply the users umask 
> because of POSIX.

Wow, that's a big show stopper! If I tell the users, that after the
transition they have to toggle their umask before/after writing to
certain directories or need to do a chmod, I'm sure they wanna hang me
right on the next tree and wanna get their OS changed to Linux/Windooze...

Isn't there a flag/property for zfs, to get back the old behavior
or to enable POSIX-ACLs instead of zfs-ACLs?
A "force_directory_create_mode=0770,force_file_create_mode=0660'
(like for samba shares) property would be even better - no need to fight
with ACLs...

> >Also I haven't found anything, which explain, how ACL4 really works on
> The ACEs are processed in order and once a requested permission has been 
> granted a subsequent deny can't take it away, but if a permission has 
> yet been granted then a deny for that permission will halt the access check.

s,yet,not yet,

Ahhhh - that's the meat I was looking for - now I'm getting a clue ;-)!
Perhaps it is a good idea to include this sentence into acl(5),
chmod(1), etc...

> A normal file that doesn't really have an ACL will have a number of deny 
> entries inserted into the ACL.  The reason for this is to provide POSIX 
> compliance in that you are either in the owner class, group class or 
> other class.

OK - so 'owner@:--------------:------:deny' has no influence at all - its
just a placeholder or "empty bin" for evtl. later use. 

Thanx a lot!,
Otto-von-Guericke University     http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/
Department of Computer Science   Geb. 29 R 027, Universitaetsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany         Tel: +49 391 67 12768
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