For the most part, all SATA devices are hotswapable... If there is some
argument about the capability to hotswap in the x2200 M2, it's a limitation
of the OS/Drivers and not the hardware.

Rob Elm
System Analyst

Clark Consulting
3600 American Boulevard West
Bloomington, MN 55431


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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David J. Orman
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 1:20 PM
Subject: [zfs-discuss] Re: Re: External drive enclosures + Sun Server for

> Hi Frank,
> I'm sure Richard will check it out. He's a very good guy and not 
> trying to jerk you around. I'm sure the hostility isn't warranted. :-)
> Best Regards,
> Jason

I'm very confused now. Do the x2200m2s support "hot plug" of drives or not?
I can't believe it's that confusing/difficult. They do or they don't. I
don't care if I can just yank a drive in a running system out and have no
problems, but I *do* need to be able to swap a failed disk in a mirror
without downtime.

Does Sun not have an official word on this? I'm losing my faith very rapidly
on the lack of an absolute response to this question.

Along these same lines, what is the roadmap for ZFS on boot disks? I've not
heard anything about it in quite some time, and google doesn't yield any
current information either.
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