On 29/11/06, Dick Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 28/11/06, Terence Patrick Donoghue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a difference - Yep,
> 'legacy' tells ZFS to refer to the /etc/vfstab file for FS mounts and
> options
> whereas
> 'none' tells ZFS not to mount the ZFS filesystem at all. Then you would
> need to manually mount the ZFS using 'zfs set mountpoint=/mountpoint
> poolname/fsname' to get it mounted.
Thanks Terence - now you've explained it, re-reading the manpage
makes more sense :)
This is plain wrong though:
" Zones
A ZFS file system can be added to a non-global zone by using
zonecfg's "add fs" subcommand. A ZFS file system that is
added to a non-global zone must have its mountpoint property
set to legacy."
It has to be 'none' or it can't be delegated. Could someone change that?
I've had one last go at understanding what the hell is going on,
and what's *really* being complained about is the fact that the mountpoint
attribute is inherited (regardless of whether the value is 'none' or 'legacy').
Explicitly setting the mountpoint lets the zone boot.
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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