On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 04:48:19PM +0000, Dick Davies wrote:
> Just spotted one - is this intentional?
> You can't delegate a dataset to a zone if mountpoint=legacy.
> Changing it to 'none' works fine.
>   vera / # zfs create tank/delegated
>   vera / # zfs get mountpoint tank/delegated
>   NAME            PROPERTY    VALUE           SOURCE
>   tank/delegated  mountpoint  legacy          inherited from tank
>   vera / # zfs create tank/delegated/ganesh
>   vera / # zfs get mountpoint tank/delegated/ganesh
>   NAME                   PROPERTY    VALUE                  SOURCE
>   tank/delegated/ganesh  mountpoint  legacy                 inherited from 
>   tank
>   vera / # zonecfg -z ganesh
>   zonecfg:ganesh> add dataset
>   zonecfg:ganesh:dataset> set name=tank/delegated/ganesh
>   zonecfg:ganesh:dataset> end
>   zonecfg:ganesh> commit
>   zonecfg:ganesh> exit
>   vera / # zoneadm -z ganesh boot
>   could not verify zfs dataset tank/delegated/ganesh: mountpoint cannot be 
> inherited
>   zoneadm: zone ganesh failed to verify
>   vera / # zfs set mountpoint=none tank/delegated/ganesh
>   vera / # zoneadm -z ganesh boot
>   vera / #

Does it actually boot then?  Eric is saying that the filesystem cannot
be mounted in the 'none' case, so presumably it doesn't.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                                  -- Moliere

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