Hello Robert,

Thursday, November 2, 2006, 5:12:37 PM, you wrote:

RM> Hello zfs-discuss,

RM> Server: x4500, 2x Opetron 285 (dual-core), 16GB RAM, 48x500GB

RM> filebench/randomread script, filesize=256GB

RM> 2 disks for system, 2 disks as hot-spares, atime set to off for a
RM> pool, cache_bshift set to 8K (2^13), recordsize untouched (default).

RM> pool: 4x raid-z (5 disks) + 4x raid-z (6 disks) means that one pool
RM> was created wit 4 raid-z1 groups each with 5 disks and another 4
RM> raid-z1 groups each with 6 disks.

RM> 1. pool: 4x raid-z (5 disks) + 4x raid-z (6 disks)
RM>    (36 disks of usable space)

RM>    a. nthreads = 1     ~60 ops
RM>    b. nthreads = 4     ~250 ops
RM>    c. nthreads = 8     ~520 ops
RM>    d. nthreads = 128   ~1340 ops

RM>       1340/8 = 167 ops

Now the same pool config but actual RAID-5 is done using SVM and zfs
just does striping between SVM R5 devices.

with nthreads=128 I get ~3680 ops

which is almost 3x as much as with raid-z.

I don't like this config but maybe it's a better way to go than with
raid-z after all - at least with some environments.

ps. however creating large file is about 4x slower than on raid-z

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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