On Oct 6, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Matthew Ahrens wrote:

Jeremy Teo wrote:
A couple of use cases I was considering off hand:
1. Oops i truncated my file
2. Oops i saved over my file
3. Oops an app corrupted my file.
4. Oops i rm -rf the wrong directory.
All of which can be solved by periodic snapshots, but versioning gives
us immediacy.
So is immediacy worth it to you folks? I rather not embark on writing
and finishing code on something no one wants besides me.

In my opinion, the marginal benefit of per-write(2) versions over snapshots (which can be per-transaction, ie. every ~5 seconds) does not outweigh the complexity of implementation and use/administration.

disclaimer: I have not used zfs snapshots a lot as I am still experimenting with zfs, but they appear to be similar to freebsd snapshots, with which I am familiar.

The user experience with snapshots, in terms of file versioning (#1, #2, maybe #3) is much worse than a true file versioning user experience. People are oriented to their files, not to snapshots. And I may not want versioning with all my files (object files etc) which you would get with the snapshots.


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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