On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 02:19:46PM -0700, Erik Trimble wrote:
> Doing versioning at the file-system layer allows block-level changes to 
> be stored, so it doesn't consume enormous amounts of extra space. In 
> fact, it's more efficient than any versioning software (CVS, SVN, 
> teamware, etc) for storing versions.

Depends on the kinds of changes...  Insert a small amount of code at the
head of a large source file and most of the blocks might change...

> However, there are three BIG drawbacks for using versioning in your FS 
> (that assumes that it is a tunable parameter and can be turned off for a 
> FS when not desired):
> [...]
> Maybe when we change filesystems to a DB, we can look at automatic 
> versioning again, as a DB can mitigate #1 and #3 issues above, and can 
> actually implement #2 completely.   OracleFS, here I come. (<groan>)

The way a DB would do this would be by effectively having version-aware
interfaces.  I think we could extend ZFS to provide versioning, but we'd
have to make relevant applications version-aware, and versioning would
have to be invisible to applications that aren't version-aware (which
also must not create versions automatically).

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