Alf wrote:
Dick Davies wrote:
On 22/09/06, Alf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) It's not possible anymore within a pool create a file system with a
specific size....If I have 2 file systems I can't decide to give for
example 10g to one and 20g to the other one unless I set a reservation
for them. Also I tried to manually create pool with slices and have for
each pool a FS with the size I wanted......Is that true?

zfs set quota=5G poolname/fsname

will give you a filesystem that shows up as 5GiB in 'df' - is that
what you want?

I tried quota and it works fine but if you have another fs that takes all the space you have in the pool, your FS will not have space for itself. So set a reservation for the FS is fine but comparing with other VOLUME MANAGER is different....that's what I am asking!

with volume managers (ZFS is more than a VM), you don't get to share all the free space between file systems - that's one of the BIG advantages of zfs, IMO. I think using reservations is a very minor "nuisance" in comparison to the administrative effort you have to go to in other Volume Managers to "move" free space from one FS to another.

Michael Schuster                  +49 89 46008-2974 / x62974
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