On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 09:14:36AM -0700, Frank Cusack wrote:
> Why again shouldn't zfs have a hostid written into the pool, to prevent
> import if the hostid doesn't match?


6282725 hostname/hostid should be stored in the label

Keep in mind that this is not a complete clustering solution - only a
mechanism to prevent administrator misconfiguration. In particular, it's
possible for one host to be doing a failover, and the other host open
the pool before the hostid has been written to the disk.

> And why should failover be limited to SC?  Why shouldn't VCS be able to
> play?  Why should SC have secrets on how to do failover?  After all,
> this is OPENsolaris.  And anyway many homegrown solutions (the kind
> I'm familiar with anyway) are of high quality compared to commercial
> ones.

I'm not sure I understand this.  There is no built-in clustering support
for UFS - simultaneously mounting the same UFS filesystem on different
hosts will corrupt your data as well.  You need some sort of higher
level logic to correctly implement clustering.  This is not a "SC
secret" - it's how you manage non-clustered filesystems in a failover

Storing the hostid as a last-ditch check for administrative error is a
reasonable RFE - just one that we haven't yet gotten around to.
Claiming that it will solve the clustering problem oversimplifies the
problem and will lead to people who think they have a 'safe' homegrown
failover when in reality the right sequence of actions will irrevocably
corrupt their data.

- Eric

Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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