Frank Cusack wrote:
...[snip James McPherson's objections to PMC]
I understand the objection to mickey mouse configurations, but I don't
understand the objection to (what I consider) simply improving safety.
And why should failover be limited to SC?  Why shouldn't VCS be able to
play?  Why should SC have secrets on how to do failover?  After all,
this is OPENsolaris.  And anyway many homegrown solutions (the kind
I'm familiar with anyway) are of high quality compared to commercial

Frank, this isn't a SunCluster vs VCS argument. It's an argument about

* doing cluster-y stuff with the protection that a cluster framework


* doing cluster-y stuff without the protection that a cluster framework

If you want to use VCS be my guest, and let us know how it goes.

If you want to use a homegrown solution, then please let us know
what you did to get it working, how well it copes and how you are
addressing any data corruption that might occur.

I tend to refer to SunCluster more than VCS simply because I've got
more in depth experience with Sun's offering.

James C. McPherson
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