On 8/20/06, trevor pretty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
During a ZFS presentation I had a question from Vernon which I could not
answer and did not find with a quick look through the archives.

Q: What's the effect (if any) of only having on Floating Point Processor
on Niagara when you turn on ZFS compression?

not an expert, but most if not all compression is  integer based, and
I don't think floating point is supported inside the kernel anyway so
it has to be integer based.

James Dickens

 Trevor Pretty                            Mob: +64 21 666 161
 Systems Engineer & OS Ambassador         DDI: +64 9 976 6802
 Sun Microsystems (NZ) Ltd.               Fax: +64 9 976 6877
 Level 5, 10 Viaduct Harbour Ave,
 PO Box 5766, Auckland, New Zealand
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