On 8/20/06, Mike Gerdts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/20/06, James Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/20/06, trevor pretty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Team
> >
> > During a ZFS presentation I had a question from Vernon which I could not
> > answer and did not find with a quick look through the archives.
> >
> > Q: What's the effect (if any) of only having on Floating Point Processor
> > on Niagara when you turn on ZFS compression?
> >
> not an expert, but most if not all compression is integer based, and
> I don't think floating point is supported inside the kernel anyway so
> it has to be integer based.
Not too long ago Roch said "compression runs in the context of a
single thread per
pool", which makes me worry much more about the speed of a single core
doing all of the compression for a pool.
i hope that changes, at least per filesystem, or unlimited
compression threads would be a great thing
Mike Gerdts
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