On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 9:13 AM Vlad Grigorescu <v...@es.net> wrote:

> > ============================================ =
> > :zeek:type:`Notice::Type`: :zeek:type:`enum`
> > ============================================ =
> (I'm also not sure why there's a space before the last = on those lines).

It's a table with one row, two columns.  The 2nd column is empty
because the `redef` itself has no associated commentary (and Zeekygen
does not currently document the extending fields/enums at that

> Another example is visible here: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeek/zeek-docs/master/scripts/policy/protocols/ssh/detect-bruteforcing.zeek.rst
> If we look at the documentation for Notice::Type, all the new types are 
> documented there: 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeek/zeek-docs/master/scripts/base/frameworks/notice/main.zeek.rst
> However this doesn't work when moving detections to packages.
> It seems like this is missing from Zeekygen, but I'm not sure of the right 
> fix.

Here's a patch that improves Zeekygen to include the extending
fields/enums in the "Redefinition" section:


Think that will work for this purpose; let me know if you try and find

- Jon
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