Something I'd like to figure out is how to document new notice types in the
package documentation.

If I add a new notice type, e.g.

> redef enum Notice::Type += {
>     ## IPv6 Router Advertisement packet seen with the Recursive
>     ## DNS Server Option that had length which could cause a
>     ## buffer overflow and can lead to code execution.
>     Bad_Neighbor_RCE_Attack_Detected,
>     ## IPv6 Router Advertisement packet seen with the DNS Search
>     ## List Option that had a length which will cause a buffer
>     ## overflow and can lead to a Denial of Service.
>     Bad_Neighbor_DoS_Attack_Detected,
> };

All that Zeekygen generates is something which tells me that Notice::Type
was redef-ed, but the comments on the specific types are lost:

> Summary
> ~~~~~~~
> Redefinitions
> #############
> ============================================ =
> :zeek:type:`Notice::Type`: :zeek:type:`enum`
> ============================================ =

(I'm also not sure why there's a space before the last = on those lines).

Another example is visible here:

If we look at the documentation for Notice::Type, all the new types are
documented there:

However this doesn't work when moving detections to packages.

It seems like this is missing from Zeekygen, but I'm not sure of the right
fix. Most enums don't have comments for the various values. Do we look for
comments for all enum values, and provide them if found? Or do we
special-case Notice::Type?

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