On 23/05/2019 15.39, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 10:32 AM Bruce Ashfield
> <bruce.ashfi...@gmail.com <mailto:bruce.ashfi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 9:56 AM Andrei Gherzan <and...@gherzan.ro
>     <mailto:and...@gherzan.ro>> wrote:
>         Hello,
>         This might have been discussed before. I couldn't find a relevant
>         thread, but if it is so, just link me to it.
>         Since thud, more specific since
>         commit 9af0f1a46bbb6ad9ee8b35957251f4aa826b023f
>         Author: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com
>         <mailto:bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>>
>         Date:   Sat Aug 18 22:50:44 2018 -0400
>             kernel-devsrc: restructure for out of tree (and on target)
>         module builds
>         ... we switched from a recipe that was deploying the entire
>         source code
>         to one that provides mainly the kernel headers (but not only).
>         This
>         change broke people expectations of this recipe while the
>         description is
>         also confusing: "Development source linux kernel. When built, this
>         recipe packages the \source of the preferred virtual/kernel
>         provider and
>         makes it available for full kernel \development or external
>         module builds".
>         If size is not a problem (which can be the case when you
>         compile on a
>         builder for example and deploy only a OOT kernel module
>         through other
>         means), the full kernel source was a painless experience where
>         things like
>         commit a9471601fedd1f5087304eaa5fd39b98ae220313
>         Author: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com
>         <mailto:bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>>
>         Date:   Thu Aug 30 09:45:41 2018 -0400
>             kernel-devsrc: fix arm/arm64 target module build
>         ... would not appear. I understand the size impact on target
>         and for
>         those cases, continuously maintaining this recipe with new
>         files/resources needed from the kernel, makes sense. So my
>         proposal is
>         to have two recipes, for example kernel-devsrc and kernel-fullsrc
>         (kernel-src etc.) so people can choose what they need/want
>         deploying/using. Or even have another devsrc provider. I'm
>         open to any
>         implementation detail. I'd just want to have an option for a
>         full kernel
>         source recipe.
>     This is already planned, and hidden in bugzilla somewhere. I'll
>     have some new kernel packaging
>     options available for the fall release.
> It looks like the bugs that I was using for development were finally
> moved to resolved (they were a bit old, and contained collected
> information on various kernel packaging options .. my searching of
> bugzilla isn't turning it up at the moment). So I just created a new
> bug to track the development for 2.8.
> The issue with the multiple kernel source providers is really about
> test cycles. The smaller devsrc is for on-target module development
> and builds against the exported uapi headers, and that is what the
> nightly / automated tests will use. We had issues with both the amount
> of time it took to package the entire source, and the amount of space
> that it took up on the images. Hence the creation of devsrc.
> With new kernel-source and kernel-headers packages (the working
> names), they are really provided as references to the running kernel,
> and will largely be an exercise left up to the developer to use them
> as they want.

Right. So is there anything that holds us from creating two recipes -
one for what we currently have and one for what we used to have pre-thud
- find some pretty names and start from that? I'm asking just in case
I'm missing any internal architecture discussions or so.

And about test cycles, I'm not sure I understand why having a provider
vs having two separate recipes impact automated tests. In both cases you
will select whatever you want to test - by using a specific recipe or by
setting a preferred provider (I don't have a strong opinion here but I
was just curious about the time impact on automated tests).

Replying to the other email (this thread was forked). We have maintained
a similar kernel headers approach for a couple of years now. And many
times we found ourselves in the situation where something had to be
added/removed/checked - that was either kernel fork specific or
something that was added due to kernel updates. And this loop of fixes
here and there was obviously completely resolved by just using the "old"
kernel-devsrc which always had "everything" in. A good example is commit
a9471601fedd1f5087304eaa5fd39b98ae220313 I'm mentioning above. This kind
of stuff will always be needed - or at least in our experience was a
pretty often loop (when you try to support one kernel headers recipe
against tens of BSPs, you'll need cases, quirks and so on).


Andrei Gherzan
gpg: rsa4096/D4D94F67AD0E9640 | t: @agherzan

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