On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 9:56 AM Andrei Gherzan <and...@gherzan.ro> wrote:

> Hello,
> This might have been discussed before. I couldn't find a relevant
> thread, but if it is so, just link me to it.
> Since thud, more specific since
> commit 9af0f1a46bbb6ad9ee8b35957251f4aa826b023f
> Author: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>
> Date:   Sat Aug 18 22:50:44 2018 -0400
>     kernel-devsrc: restructure for out of tree (and on target) module
> builds
> ... we switched from a recipe that was deploying the entire source code
> to one that provides mainly the kernel headers (but not only). This
> change broke people expectations of this recipe while the description is
> also confusing: "Development source linux kernel. When built, this
> recipe packages the \source of the preferred virtual/kernel provider and
> makes it available for full kernel \development or external module builds".
> If size is not a problem (which can be the case when you compile on a
> builder for example and deploy only a OOT kernel module through other
> means), the full kernel source was a painless experience where things like
> commit a9471601fedd1f5087304eaa5fd39b98ae220313
> Author: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>
> Date:   Thu Aug 30 09:45:41 2018 -0400
>     kernel-devsrc: fix arm/arm64 target module build
> ... would not appear. I understand the size impact on target and for
> those cases, continuously maintaining this recipe with new
> files/resources needed from the kernel, makes sense. So my proposal is
> to have two recipes, for example kernel-devsrc and kernel-fullsrc
> (kernel-src etc.) so people can choose what they need/want
> deploying/using. Or even have another devsrc provider. I'm open to any
> implementation detail. I'd just want to have an option for a full kernel
> source recipe.

This is already planned, and hidden in bugzilla somewhere. I'll have some
new kernel packaging
options available for the fall release.


> Regards,
> --
> Andrei Gherzan
> gpg: rsa4096/D4D94F67AD0E9640 | t: @agherzan
> --
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