Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M1Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 1 Cutoff
June 9th, 2019
SWAT Team Rotation: * SWAT lead is currently: Amanda
 * SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Ross on May. 17, 2019
 * SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Chen on May. 24, 2019

Next Team Meetings: * Bug Triage meeting Thursday May 16th at 7:30am
 * Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday June 4th at 8am PDT ( 

Key Status/Updates: * Stephen is going to be unavailable for several
weeks, please refer any queries to Richard
 * The final 2.8 planning meeting was held. The google doc summarising
the discussions so far:
If people are planning to work on specific things in 2.8 please let us
know so we can incorporate this into our plans. If you’re interested in
working on anything in the document, please also let us know or talk
with us in one of the planning meetings.Most items planned to be worked
upon should now be in the bugzilla with appropriately detailed entries
there.A summary of the 2.8 planning risk items was included in an email
to the yocto-ab list:
* The project is planning to adopt SPDX license headers in its source code 
where practical, OE-Core now has the markup on its scripts too.
 * Mailing lists are moving to instead of our current mailman
setup on 27th May. This shouldn’t impact users directly, more details
will be sent to the mailing lists in due course.
 * We have a new “newcomer” bug category which are bugs suited to
someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
 * We’re about ready to switch over to gcc 9 by default with one more
issue needing to be resolved on mips.
 * We’re likely going to change the tuning of qemux86 to something more
 * We’re likely to drop openssl 1.0 and irda from OE-Core imminently

Planned Releases for YP 2.8: * M1 Cutoff June 9th
 * M1 Release June 21st
 * M2 Cutoff 14th July
 * M2 Release 26th July
 * M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug
 * M3 Release 6th Sept
 * M4 Cutoff 30th Sept
 * 2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct

Planned upcoming dot releases: * YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is in planning
 * YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) is in planning

Tracking Metrics: * WDD 2596 (last week 2602) (
 * Poky Patch Metrics  
    * Total patches found: 1560 (last week 1558)
    * Patches in the Pending State: 665 (43%) [last week 655 (42%)]

Key Status Links for YP:
The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:
[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on
this weekly status update, let us know!]

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