
We ran into an issue when trying to switch to useradd-staticids that looks like 
it could be a bug with sstate. We are running thud.

The issue appeared on our CI builds which have a shared sstate-cache 
(SSTATE_DIR) but otherwise start with a clean build (no tmp directory).

We tried to add static user ids by setting USERADDEXTENSION = 
"useradd-staticids" and providing the required passwd and group files.
Locally everything worked fine. 

But the CI servers produced the following error:

DEBUG: Executing shell function useradd_sysroot
Running groupadd commands...
NOTE: dbus: Performing groupadd with [--root 
/build/tmp/work/corei7-64-ccp-linux/dbus/1.12.10-r0/recipe-sysroot --gid 998 
--system netdev]
groupadd: GID '998' already exists
ERROR: dbus: groupadd command did not succeed.

Looking at the /etc/group file in recipes-sysroot it contains:


which obviously conflicts with what we have set in our static user group:


Looking at the logs I think the recipe-sysroots is coming from sstate cache 
(via do_populate_sysroot_setscene task).

When running the same build with static user ids on the same CI server with a 
different (empty) SSTATE_DIR everything works.

Now I have several questions regarding this:
1. Is switching to static user ids without cleaning sstate cache a supported 
uses case? The documentation mentions deleting TMPDIR but it doesn't mention 
2. Is this an sstate bug that should be investigated further?
3. Does somebody know of a solution for this issue beside cleaning the entire 
sstate cache?

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