Just curious: all Perl modules in oe-core have ptest enabled, but only
libxml-parser-perl is included in these test reports. Is it simply the only
module in that image or is something else afoot?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 3:29 PM <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 2019-04-05 at 03:46 +0530, akuster808 wrote:
> >
> > On 4/5/19 3:25 AM, richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2019-04-04 at 02:19 +0000, Jain, Sangeeta wrote:
> > > > Also, I don't see any ptest results for 2.6.2.rc3 on public
> > > > autobuilder. Do you have any plans to run them and share the
> > > > results
> > > > on autobuilder?
> > > These were run separately but will run as part of any new stable
> > > release builds. The results are here:
> > >
> > >
> https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/20190328-8/testresults/qemux86-64-ptest/
> > >
> https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/20190328-7/testresults/qemux86-64-ptest/
> > >
> > > (for 2.6.2 and 2.5.4)
> > >
> > > I'll merge these into the main release output in due course.
> > Did I miss something in order to create:
> >
> https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/20190326-8/testresults/testresult-report.txt
> Right now only a-quick or a-full builds get those.
> You can get one with:
> $ wget
> https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/20190328-8/testresults/qemux86-64-ptest/testresults.json
> $ resulttool report .
> which gives:
> ==============================================================================================================
> PTest Result Summary
> ==============================================================================================================
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Recipe             | Passed      | Failed   | Skipped  | Time(s)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> acl                | 221         | 0        | 0        | -
> attr               | 109         | 0        | 0        | -
> bash               | 75          | 4        | 0        | -
> bluez5             | 25          | 0        | 0        | -
> busybox            | 528         | 15       | 45       | -
> bzip2              | 6           | 0        | 0        | -
> dbus-test          | 18          | 3        | 2        | -
> diffstat           | 439         | 0        | 0        | -
> diffutils          | 20          | 0        | 0        | -
> e2fsprogs          | 315         | 6        | 27       | -
> flex               | 114         | 0        | 0        | -
> gawk               | 342         | 0        | 0        | -
> gdbm               | 24          | 0        | 0        | -
> gdk-pixbuf         | 20          | 0        | 0        | -
> glib-2.0           | 259         | 3        | 0        | -
> gstreamer1.0       | 101         | 3        | 0        | -
> gzip               | 21          | 0        | 0        | -
> libpcre            | 3           | 0        | 0        | -
> libusb1            | 4           | 0        | 0        | -
> libxml-parser-perl | 15          | 0        | 0        | -
> libxml2            | 134         | 0        | 0        | -
> lttng-tools        | 1087        | 0        | 0        | - T
> lzo                | 39          | 6        | 0        | -
> nettle             | 158         | 0        | 2        | -
> openssh            | 832         | 72       | 367      | - T
> openssl            | 0           | 0        | 0        | -
> pango              | 12          | 0        | 0        | -
> perl               | 2298        | 1        | 120      | -
> python             | 5444        | 15       | 53       | -
> python3            | 7466        | 0        | 198      | -
> quilt              | 57          | 0        | 0        | -
> sed                | 86          | 0        | 0        | -
> slang              | 97          | 0        | 0        | -
> strace             | 213         | 272      | 97       | - T
> tcl                | 148         | 0        | 0        | -
> util-linux         | 0           | 395      | 55       | -
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and
> $ wget
> https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/20190328-7/testresults/qemux86-64-ptest/testresults.json
> $ resulttool report .
> which gives:
> ==============================================================================================================
> PTest Result Summary
> ==============================================================================================================
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Recipe             | Passed      | Failed   | Skipped  | Time(s)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> acl                | 221         | 0        | 0        | -
> attr               | 109         | 0        | 0        | -
> bash               | 75          | 4        | 0        | -
> bluez5             | 7           | 0        | 0        | -
> busybox            | 509         | 14       | 36       | -
> bzip2              | 6           | 0        | 0        | -
> dbus-test          | 18          | 3        | 2        | -
> diffstat           | 439         | 0        | 0        | -
> diffutils          | 20          | 0        | 0        | -
> e2fsprogs          | 304         | 5        | 27       | -
> flex               | 114         | 0        | 0        | -
> gawk               | 342         | 0        | 0        | -
> gdbm               | 19          | 0        | 0        | -
> gdk-pixbuf         | 20          | 0        | 0        | -
> glib-2             | 252         | 1        | 0        | -
> gzip               | 21          | 0        | 0        | -
> libevent           | 1           | 0        | 0        | -
> libpcre            | 3           | 0        | 0        | -
> libxml-parser-perl | 15          | 0        | 0        | -
> libxml2            | 134         | 0        | 0        | -
> lttng-tools        | 1087        | 0        | 0        | -
> lzo                | 39          | 6        | 0        | -
> nettle             | 158         | 0        | 2        | -
> openssh            | 840         | 72       | 367      | -
> openssl            | 54          | 0        | 0        | -
> pango              | 12          | 0        | 0        | -
> perl               | 2282        | 3        | 120      | -
> python             | 8331        | 45       | 69       | -
> quilt              | 57          | 0        | 0        | -
> sed                | 86          | 0        | 0        | -
> slang              | 97          | 0        | 0        | -
> strace             | 160         | 233      | 80       | -
> tcl                | 148         | 0        | 0        | -
> util-linux         | 0           | 389      | 52       | -
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Knowing what I do about master, there is the same image  space issue
> here triggered in the strace ptest by the looks of it which then breaks
> other tests like util-linux.
> Cheers,
> Richard
> --
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