Hi Richard,

Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, public autobuilder had already covered all automated runtime qemu tests. 
We do not plan to run any automated runtime qemu tests. 
For automated selftest, we plan to run a subset of selftest tests for a list of 
qemu architecture (qemu-shutdown & meta-ide).  For these subset of selftest, 
could we enabled them to be run by pulic autobuilder as it only required 
changing MACHINE configuration to cover all qemu architectures? 

Hope this help to clarify the confusion. Please let us know if you have any 
more questions. 

Best regards,
Yeoh Ee Peng 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jain, Sangeeta 
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 10:19 AM
To: richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org; Poky Build User 
<pokybu...@ubuntu1604-ty-1.yocto.io>; yocto@yoctoproject.org; 
sjolley.yp...@gmail.com; Yi Zhao <yi.z...@windriver.com>
Cc: ota...@ossystems.com.br; Chan, Aaron Chun Yew 
<aaron.chun.yew.c...@intel.com>; akuster...@gmail.com; Yeoh, Ee Peng 
<ee.peng.y...@intel.com>; Sangal, Apoorv <apoorv.san...@intel.com>
Subject: RE: [yocto] QA notification for completed autobuilder build 

Hi Richard,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org 
>Sent: Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 5:20 PM
>To: Jain, Sangeeta <sangeeta.j...@intel.com>; Poky Build User 
><pokybu...@ubuntu1604-ty-1.yocto.io>; yocto@yoctoproject.org; 
>sjolley.yp...@gmail.com; Yi Zhao <yi.z...@windriver.com>
>Cc: ota...@ossystems.com.br; Chan, Aaron Chun Yew 
><aaron.chun.yew.c...@intel.com>; akuster...@gmail.com; Yeoh, Ee Peng 
><ee.peng.y...@intel.com>; Sangal, Apoorv <apoorv.san...@intel.com>
>Subject: Re: [yocto] QA notification for completed autobuilder build 
>This is good information and helps a lot, thanks! I had a question below.
>On Wed, 2019-04-03 at 08:06 +0000, Jain, Sangeeta wrote:
>> Intel and WR YP QA is now working on QA execution for YP build 2.6.2 
>> RC3. We are planning to execute following tests for this cycle:
>> OEQA-Manual tests for following modules:
>> 1.   SDK
>> 2.   Eclipse-plugin
>> 3.   Kernel
>> 4.   Toaster
>> 5.   Bitbake (oe-core)
>> 6.   Build-appliance
>> 7.   Crops
>> 8.   Compliance-test
>> 9.   Bsp-hw
>> 10.  Bsp-qemu
>> Runtime auto test for following platforms:
>> 1.   MinnowTurbo 32bit
>> 2.   MinnowTurbot 64 bit
>> 3.   NUC 7
>> 4.   NUC 6
>> 5.   Edgerouter
>> 6.   MPC8315e-rdb
>> 7.   Beaglebone
>> 8.   Qemuarm
>> 9.   Qemuarm-64
>> 10.  Qemuppc
>> 11.  Qemumips
>> 12.  Qemumips64
>I'm wondering if there is any difference between items 8-12 here and 
>the runtime testing we run on the public autobuilder? Is there some 
>testing we're missing on the public autobuilder?

We will be running oe-selftest for machines 8-12, which is missing in 
autobuilder results.

Also, I don't see any ptest results for 2.6.2.rc3 on public autobuilder. Do you 
have any plans to run them and share the results on autobuilder?


Thanks & Regards,
Sangeeta Jain
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