
I'm trying to remove the hostapd init file as I'll handle startup of it on my own. I've created a .bbappend file in my layer to do this:

   do_install_append() {
        rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d

However, this results in a compilation warning when building my image and the ipk-postinst is still being run on my target:

   WARNING: tlt-image-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: hostapd.postinst returned 1,
   marking as unpacked only, configuration required on target.
   WARNING: tlt-image-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Intentionally failing
   postinstall scriptlets of ['hostapd'] to defer them to first boot is
   deprecated. Please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} ().
   If deferring to first boot wasn't the intent, then scriptlet failure
   may mean an issue in the recipe, or a regression elsewhere.
   Details of the failure are in
   WARNING: tlt-image-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: [log_check] tlt-image: found 1
   warning message in the logfile:
   [log_check] WARNING: Intentionally failing postinstall scriptlets of
   ['hostapd'] to defer them to first boot is deprecated. Please place
   them into pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} ().

I tried setting INITSCRIPT_NAME to "" in my .bbappend, but it fails with an error during do_rootfs task of my image:

   | grep hostapd
   NOTE: Found hostapd-dbg_2.6-r0_armv7ahf-neon.ipk in Packages, but
   mtime differs - re-reading
   Found hostapd-dev_2.6-r0_armv7ahf-neon.ipk in Packages, but mtime
   differs - re-reading
   Found hostapd_2.6-r0_armv7ahf-neon.ipk in Packages, but mtime
   differs - re-reading
   NOTE: Installing the following packages: android-system-core-adbd
   android-system-core-liblog android-system-core-usb ap6212 avlcommd
   base-files base-passwd boot-config config-backup curl dnsmasq
   dropbear ethtool eventslog factory-restore firewall3 fsl-rc-local
   gps-control gps-utils gpsd gpsd-conf gsmd hostapd iio-utils iiod
   iproute2 iptables iputils iw kernel-modules libcutils0 libglib-2.0-0
   libnl-3-200 libstdc++6 libtlt-lua libxml2 lsm6dsl-rebind lsqlite3
   luci lucihttp mnf-info motion-monitor mtd-utils-ubifs netifd openssl
   os-release packagegroup-core-boot perl ppp preinit procd qmuxd
   recgend rpcd run-postinsts shadow sms-utilities sqlite3 storage
   sysntpd system sysup tlt-base-files tlt-connection-manager
   tlt-eventslog-lua tzdata ubus uhttpd update-rc.d ustream-ssl
   --volatile-cache -f
   --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version
   --no-install-recommends  --force-overwrite install
   android-system-core-adbd android-system-core-liblog
   android-system-core-usb ap6212 avlcommd base-files base-passwd
   boot-config config-backup curl dnsmasq dropbear ethtool eventslog
   factory-restore firewall3 fsl-rc-local gps-control gps-utils gpsd
   gpsd-conf gsmd hostapd iio-utils iiod iproute2 iptables iputils iw
   kernel-modules libcutils0 libglib-2.0-0 libnl-3-200 libstdc++6
   libtlt-lua libxml2 lsm6dsl-rebind lsqlite3 luci lucihttp mnf-info
   motion-monitor mtd-utils-ubifs netifd openssl os-release
   packagegroup-core-boot perl ppp preinit procd qmuxd recgend rpcd
   run-postinsts shadow sms-utilities sqlite3 storage sysntpd system
   sysup tlt-base-files tlt-connection-manager tlt-eventslog-lua tzdata
   ubus uhttpd update-rc.d ustream-ssl
   ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command
   --volatile-cache -f
   --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version
   --no-install-recommends  --force-overwrite install
   android-system-core-adbd android-system-core-liblog
   android-system-core-usb ap6212 avlcommd base-files base-passwd
   boot-config config-backup curl dnsmasq dropbear ethtool eventslog
   factory-restore firewall3 fsl-rc-local gps-control gps-utils gpsd
   gpsd-conf gsmd hostapd iio-utils iiod iproute2 iptables iputils iw
   kernel-modules libcutils0 libglib-2.0-0 libnl-3-200 libstdc++6
   libtlt-lua libxml2 lsm6dsl-rebind lsqlite3 luci lucihttp mnf-info
   motion-monitor mtd-utils-ubifs netifd openssl os-release
   packagegroup-core-boot perl ppp preinit procd qmuxd recgend rpcd
   run-postinsts shadow sms-utilities sqlite3 storage sysntpd system
   sysup tlt-base-files tlt-connection-manager tlt-eventslog-lua tzdata
   ubus uhttpd update-rc.d ustream-ssl' returned 255:
   Installing hostapd (2.6) on root
   To remove package debris, try `opkg remove hostapd`.
   To re-attempt the install, try `opkg install hostapd`.
     * preinst_configure: Aborting installation of hostapd.

Any pointers of how I could accomplish my goal?

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