This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.

This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
believe some of them needn't to upgrade at this time, they can fill
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file to ignore this remainder
until newer upstream version was detected.

RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "Version 2.0 is unstable"

You can check the detail information at:

Package               Version          Upstream version      Maintainer         
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------  
--------------------  ------------------------------
meson                 0.44.1           0.45.0                Alexander Kanavin
dtc                   1.4.5            1.4.6                 Alexander Kanavin
btrfs-tools           4.13.3           4.15.1                Alexander Kanavin
expect                5.45.3           5.45.4                Alexander Kanavin
apt                   1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
apt-native            1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
dpkg                  1.18.24              Aníbal Limón
xkbcomp               1.4.0            1.4.1                 Armin Kuster
bind                  9.10.6           9.12.0                Armin Kuster
xf86-video-vesa       2.3.4            2.4.0                 Armin Kuster
busybox               1.27.2           1.28.1                Armin Kuster
gnutls                3.6.1            3.6.2                 Armin Kuster
libxshmfence          1.2              1.3                   Armin Kuster
xkeyboard-config      2.22             2.23.1                Armin Kuster
calibrateproto        0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Armin Kuster
nss                   3.34.1           3.35                  Armin Kuster
libpcre2              10.30            10.31                 Armin Kuster
util-macros           1.19.1           1.19.2                Armin Kuster
xserver-xorg          1.19.6            Armin Kuster
kern-tools-native     0.2+gitX         0.2-new-commits-a...  Bruce Ashfield
linux-libc-headers    4.15             4.15.7                Bruce Ashfield
kmscube               git              git-new-commits-a...  Carlos Rafael Giani
iproute2              4.14.1           4.15.0                Changhyeok Bae
ethtool               4.13             4.15                  Changhyeok Bae
iptables              1.6.1            1.6.2                 Changhyeok Bae
base-passwd           3.5.29           3.5.44                Chang Rebecca 
Swe...  Version 3.5.38 requires cde...
systemd-boot          234              237                   Chen Qi
dbus-glib             0.108            0.110                 Chen Qi
dbus                  1.12.2           1.12.6                Chen Qi
gawk                  4.2.0            4.2.1                 Chen Qi
systemd               234              237                   Chen Qi
util-linux            2.31             2.31.1                Chen Qi
dbus-test             1.12.2           1.12.6                Chen Qi
sed                   4.2.2            4.4                   Chen Qi
sysstat               11.7.1           11.7.2                Chen Qi
flex                  2.6.0            2.6.4                 Chen Qi
build-appliance-i...  15.0.0           18.0.1                Cristian Iorga
weston                3.0.0            3.0.91                Denys Dmytriyenko
wayland               1.14.0           1.14.91               Denys Dmytriyenko
lz4                   1.7.4                 Denys Dmytriyenko
lzop                  1.03             1.04                  Denys Dmytriyenko
hdparm                9.53             9.54                  Denys Dmytriyenko
lzip                  1.19             1.20                  Denys Dmytriyenko
python-numpy          1.13.1           1.14.1                Derek Straka
python3               3.5.4            3.6.4                 Derek Straka
python3-numpy         1.13.3           1.14.1                Derek Straka
python3-pycairo       1.15.6           1.16.3                Derek Straka
python3-native        3.5.4            3.6.4                 Derek Straka
acpica                20170303         20180209              Fathi Boudra
patch                 2.7.5            2.7.6                 Hongxu Jia
gnupg                 2.2.4            2.2.5                 Hongxu Jia
dhcp                  4.3.6            4.4.1                 Hongxu Jia
man-pages             4.14             4.15                  Hongxu Jia
man-db                2.8.1            2.8.2                 Hongxu Jia
help2man-native       1.47.5           1.47.6                Hongxu Jia
bash                  4.4.12           4.4.18                Hongxu Jia
ghostscript           9.21             9.22                  Hongxu Jia
ncurses               6.0+20171125     6.1                   Hongxu Jia
bc                    1.06             1.07.1                Jose Lamego
gdb                   8.0.1            8.1                   Khem Raj
libnsl2               1.0.5+gitX       1.2.0                 Khem Raj
glibc                 2.27             2.27.9000             Khem Raj
llvm                  5.0              5.0-new-commits-a...  Khem Raj
mpfr                  3.1.5            4.0.1                 Khem Raj
re2c                  0.16             1.0.1                 Khem Raj
go-native             1.9.4            1.10                  Khem Raj
go                    1.9.4            1.10                  Khem Raj
cross-localedef-n...  2.27             2.27.9000             Khem Raj
glibc-initial         2.27             2.27.9000             Khem Raj
librsvg               2.40.20          2.42.2                Maxin B. John      
   Versions from 2.41.0 requir...
piglit                1.0+gitrX        1.0-new-commits-a...  Maxin B. John
libinput              1.9.4            1.10.1                Maxin B. John
vulkan-demos          git              git-new-commits-a...  Maxin B. John
perl                  5.24.1           5.26.1                Maxin B. John
ifupdown              0.8.16           0.8.31                Maxin B. John
libsolv               0.6.32           0.6.33                Maxin B. John
libunistring          0.9.8            0.9.9                 Maxin B. John
vulkan                    Maxin B. John
perl-native           5.24.1           5.26.1                Maxin B. John
libxml-sax-perl       0.99             1.00                  Maxin B. John
libical               2.0.0            3.0.3                 Maxin B. John
gdb-cross-canadia...  8.0.1            8.1                   No maintainer
gdb-cross-i586        8.0.1            8.1                   No maintainer
go-cross-canadian...  1.9.4            1.10                  No maintainer
go-cross-i586         1.9.4            1.10                  No maintainer
go-crosssdk-x86_64    1.9.4            1.10                  No maintainer
go-runtime            1.9.4            1.10                  No maintainer
linux-firmware        0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Otavio Salvador
build-compare         2015.02.10+gitX  2015.02.10-new-co...  Randy Witt
tcf-agent             1.4.0+gitX       1.7.0                 Randy Witt
gnu-config            20150728+gitX    20150728-new-comm...  Robert Yang
git                   2.16.1           2.16.2                Robert Yang
nfs-utils             2.1.1            2.3.1                 Robert Yang
squashfs-tools        4.3+gitrX        4.3-new-commits-a...  Robert Yang
strace                4.20             4.21                  Robert Yang
autoconf-archive      2016.09.16       2017.09.28            Robert Yang
automake              1.15.1           1.16                  Robert Yang
ccache                3.3.5            3.4.1                 Robert Yang
e2fsprogs             1.43.8           1.43.9                Robert Yang
dropbear              2017.75          2018.76               Yi Zhao
chkconfig             1.3.58           1.8                   Yi Zhao            
   Version 1.5 requires selinux
less                  529              530                   Yi Zhao
slang                 2.3.1a           2.3.2                 Yi Zhao
libcap-ng             0.7.8            0.7.9                 Yi Zhao
libsdl2               2.0.7            2.0.8                 Yi Zhao

Upgradable count: 102
Upgradable total count: 105

The based commit is:

commit ba2eb6237497494e3ec0296485ded61b024c5ba7
Author: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
Date:   Sun Mar 4 14:12:43 2018 -0500 add myself as maintainer for the new busybox-inittab
    Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>

Any problem, please contact Jose Lamego <> 

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