This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.

This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
believe some of them needn't to upgrade at this time, they can fill
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file to ignore this remainder
until newer upstream version was detected.

RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "Version 2.0 is unstable"

You can check the detail information at:

Package               Version          Upstream version      Maintainer         
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------  
-------------------  ------------------------------
python                2.7.13           2.7.14                Alejandro Hernandez
python3               3.5.3            3.6.3                 Alejandro Hernandez
python3-native        3.5.3            3.6.3                 Alejandro Hernandez
python-native         2.7.13           2.7.14                Alejandro Hernandez
usbutils              008              009                   Alexander Kanavin
gtk-doc               1.25             1.27                  Alexander Kanavin
webkitgtk             2.16.6           2.18.3                Alexander Kanavin
dnf                   2.6.3            2.7.5                 Alexander Kanavin
libwebp               0.6.0            0.6.1                 Alexander Kanavin
libdnf                0.9.3            0.11.1                Alexander Kanavin
librepo               1.7.20+gitX      1.8.1                 Alexander Kanavin
blktrace              1.1.0+gitX       1.2.0                 Alexander Kanavin
gobject-introspec...  1.52.1           1.54.1                Alexander Kanavin
systemtap-uprobes     3.1              3.2                   Alexander Kanavin
systemtap             3.1              3.2                   Alexander Kanavin
kernelshark           2.6.1            2.6.2                 Alexander Kanavin
trace-cmd             2.6.1            2.6.2                 Alexander Kanavin
ffmpeg                3.3.4            3.4.1                 Alexander Kanavin
tiff                  4.0.8            4.0.9                 Alexander Kanavin
mkelfimage            4.0+gitX         4.6                   Alexander Kanavin  
  mkelfimage has been removed...
mpg123                1.25.7           1.25.8                Alexander Kanavin
libnl                 3.2.29           3.4.0                 Alexander Kanavin
icu                   60.1             60.2                  Alexander Kanavin
epiphany              3.24.3           3.26.5                Alexander Kanavin
vala                  0.38.2           0.38.4                Alexander Kanavin
btrfs-tools           4.13.3           4.14                  Alexander Kanavin
psmisc                22.21            23.1                  Alexander Kanavin
iso-codes             3.76             3.77                  Alexander Kanavin
apt                   1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
dpkg                  1.18.24              Aníbal Limón
apt-native            1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
bind                  9.10.6           9.11.2                Armin Kuster
libxcursor            1.1.14           1.1.15                Armin Kuster
libxfont2             2.0.2            2.0.3                 Armin Kuster
libxfont              1.5.3            1.5.4                 Armin Kuster
libxkbcommon          0.7.2            0.8.0                 Armin Kuster
curl                  7.54.1           7.57.0                Armin Kuster
libassuan             2.4.4            2.5.1                 Armin Kuster
nss                   3.34             3.34.1                Armin Kuster
pinentry              1.0.0            1.1.0                 Armin Kuster
kexec-tools           2.0.15           2.0.16                Armin Kuster
libunwind             1.2              1.2.1                 Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto           4.12.14+gitX     4.12.16               Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto-tiny      4.12.14+gitX     4.12.16               Bruce Ashfield
linux-libc-headers    4.12             4.14.7                Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto-rt        4.12.14+gitX     4.12.16               Bruce Ashfield
iproute2              4.13.0           4.14.1                Changhyeok Bae
dbus-test             1.10.20          1.12.2                Chen Qi
dbus                  1.10.20          1.12.2                Chen Qi
systemd               234              236                   Chen Qi
systemd-boot          234              236                   Chen Qi
systemd-bootchart     231+gitX         233                   Chen Qi
flex                  2.6.0            2.6.4                 Chen Qi
coreutils             8.27             8.28                  Chen Qi
sed                   4.2.2            4.4                   Chen Qi
sysstat               11.6.1           11.7.1                Chen Qi
tar                   1.29             1.30                  Chen Qi
build-appliance-i...  15.0.0           18.0.0                Cristian Iorga
lzop                  1.03             1.04                  Denys Dmytriyenko
mtd-utils             2.0.0            2.0.1                 Denys Dmytriyenko
lz4                   1.7.4            1.8.0                 Denys Dmytriyenko
acpica                20170303         20171215              Fathi Boudra
gnupg                 2.2.0            2.2.3                 Hongxu Jia
bash                  4.4              4.4.12                Hongxu Jia
ncurses               6.0+20170715     6.0+20171125          Hongxu Jia
apr-util              1.6.0            1.6.1                 Hongxu Jia
apr                   1.6.2            1.6.3                 Hongxu Jia
gpgme                 1.9.0            1.10.0                Hongxu Jia
libgcrypt             1.8.1            1.8.2                 Hongxu Jia
ghostscript           9.21             9.22                  Hongxu Jia
man-pages             4.11             4.14                  Hongxu Jia
help2man-native       1.47.4           1.47.5                Hongxu Jia
python3-git           2.1.7            2.1.8                 Jose Lamego
python3-numpy         1.13.3           1.14.0rc1             Jose Lamego
python3-pycairo       1.15.3           1.15.4                Jose Lamego
python-numpy          1.13.1           1.14.0rc1             Jose Lamego
python3-pygobject     3.26.0           3.26.1                Jose Lamego
bc                    1.06             1.07.1                Jose Lamego
pango                 1.40.12          1.40.14               Jussi Kukkonen
piglit                1.0+gitrX        1.0-new-commits-a...  Jussi Kukkonen
libinput              1.8.4            1.9.4                 Jussi Kukkonen
gtk-icon-utils-na...  3.22.17          3.22.26               Jussi Kukkonen
at-spi2-core          2.26.0           2.26.2                Jussi Kukkonen
at-spi2-atk           2.26.0           2.26.1                Jussi Kukkonen
assimp                4.0.1            4.1.0                 Jussi Kukkonen
vulkan-demos          git              git-new-commits-a...  Jussi Kukkonen
puzzles               0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Jussi Kukkonen
atk                   2.26.0           2.26.1                Jussi Kukkonen
vte                   0.50.1           0.50.2                Jussi Kukkonen
adwaita-icon-theme    3.26.0           3.26.1                Jussi Kukkonen
gtk+3                 3.22.24          3.22.26               Jussi Kukkonen
librsvg               2.40.19          2.40.20               Jussi Kukkonen
cairo                 1.14.10          1.14.12               Jussi Kukkonen
fontconfig            2.12.6           2.12.91               Jussi Kukkonen
glibc-initial         2.26             2.26.9000             Khem Raj
libnsl2               1.0.5+gitX       1.2.0                 Khem Raj
gdb                   8.0              8.0.1                 Khem Raj
llvm                  5.0              5.0-new-commits-a...  Khem Raj
ninja                 1.7.2            1.8.2                 Khem Raj
mpfr                  3.1.5            3.1.6                 Khem Raj
re2c                  0.16             1.0.1                 Khem Raj
go-native             1.9              1.10beta1             Khem Raj
go                    1.9              1.10beta1             Khem Raj
binutils              2.29             2.29.1                Khem Raj
cross-localedef-n...  2.26             2.26.9000             Khem Raj
glibc                 2.26             2.26.9000             Khem Raj
ruby                  2.4.2            2.4.3                 Leonardo Sandoval
nfs-utils             2.1.1            2.2.1                 Leonardo Sandoval
perl                  5.24.1           5.26.1                Leonardo Sandoval
qemu                  2.10.1           2.11.0                Leonardo Sandoval
ptest-runner          2.1+gitX         2.1.1                 Leonardo Sandoval
perl-native           5.24.1           5.26.1                Leonardo Sandoval
prelink               1.0+gitX         1.0-new-commits-a...  Mark Hatle
rpm                   4.13.90+gitX     4.14.0                Mark Hatle
gstreamer1.0          1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-rtsp...  1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
i2c-tools             3.1.2            4.0                   Maxin B. John
orc                   0.4.27           0.4.28                Maxin B. John
libical               2.0.0            3.0.1                 Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-libav    1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
libunistring          0.9.7            0.9.8                 Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-omx      1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-python   1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
libsolv               0.6.29           0.6.30                Maxin B. John
ifupdown              0.8.16           0.8.29                Maxin B. John
screen                4.6.1            4.6.2                 Maxin B. John
mc                    4.8.19           4.8.20                Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.12.3           1.12.4                Maxin B. John
harfbuzz              1.7.0            1.7.2                 Maxin B. John
libjpeg-turbo         1.5.2            1.5.3                 Maxin B. John
gcc-source-6.4.0      6.4.0            7.2.0                 No maintainer
gdb-cross-canadia...  8.0              8.0.1                 No maintainer
gdb-cross-i586        8.0              8.0.1                 No maintainer
go-cross-canadian...  1.9              1.10beta1             No maintainer
binutils-cross-ca...  2.29             2.29.1                No maintainer
binutils-cross-i586   2.29             2.29.1                No maintainer
binutils-crosssdk...  2.29             2.29.1                No maintainer
systemtap-native      3.1              3.2                   No maintainer
go-cross-i586         1.9              1.10beta1             No maintainer
go-crosssdk-x86_64    1.9              1.10beta1             No maintainer
go-runtime            1.9              1.10beta1             No maintainer
pkgconf               1.3.7            1.3.90                No maintainer
mesa                  17.2.5           17.3.0                Otavio Salvador
linux-firmware        0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Otavio Salvador
cmake                 3.9.5            3.10.1                Otavio Salvador
go-dep                0.3.1            0.3.2                 Otavio Salvador
cmake-native          3.9.5            3.10.1                Otavio Salvador
libdrm                2.4.88           2.4.89                Otavio Salvador
mesa-gl               17.2.5           17.3.0                Otavio Salvador
build-compare         2015.02.10+gitX  2015.02.10-new-co...  Randy Witt
tcf-agent             1.4.0+gitX       1.6.0                 Randy Witt
lttng-modules         2.9.5            2.10.4                Richard Purdie
lttng-tools           2.9.5            2.10.1                Richard Purdie
lttng-ust             2.9.1            2.10.1                Richard Purdie
nasm                  2.13.01          2.13.02               Richard Purdie
subversion            1.9.6            1.9.7                 Richard Purdie
gnu-config            20150728+gitX    20150728-new-comm...  Robert Yang
autoconf-archive      2016.09.16       2017.09.28            Robert Yang
git                   2.15.0           2.15.1                Robert Yang
debianutils           4.8.3                 Robert Yang
squashfs-tools        4.3+gitrX        4.3-new-commits-a...  Robert Yang
strace                4.19             4.20                  Robert Yang
less                  527              529                   Robert Yang
time                  1.7              1.8                   Robert Yang
base-passwd           3.5.29           3.5.44                Ross Burton        
  Version 3.5.38 requires cde...
lsbinitscripts        9.72             9.78                  Ross Burton
libva-utils           1.8.3            2.0.0                 Wei Tee Ng
gstreamer1.0-vaapi    1.12.3           1.12.4                Wei Tee Ng
libva                 1.8.3            2.0.0                 Wei Tee Ng
avahi                 0.6.32           0.7                   Yi Zhao
avahi-ui              0.6.32           0.7                   Yi Zhao
json-glib             1.2.8            1.4.2                 Yi Zhao
chkconfig             1.3.58           1.8                   Yi Zhao            
  Version 1.5 requires selinux

Upgradable count: 173
Upgradable total count: 176

The based commit is:

commit cf5c44ac611c2c2657e6fd3c1f723bcb20b812dd
Author: Tim Orling <>
Date:   Sat Nov 18 18:28:56 2017 -0800

    python-scons: upgrade to v3.0.1; use pypi.bbclass
    * Simplify recipe by using pypi.bbclass
    * Drop patch for __future__ print_function
      - fixed upstream:
    Signed-off-by: Tim Orling <>
    Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>

Any problem, please contact Jose Lamego <> 

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