On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 08:50 +0200, Florian Doersch wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently trying to set up a raspberry pi with yocto.
> The basic image with meta-raspberrypi works, but I cant get locales 
> working correctly. I always only have "posix" keyboard.
> I tried setting
> I also installed the packages
> glibc-utils locales localedef
> into my image, but that seems not to change anything.
> $ locale -a
> does have a "de_DE" (but not the UTF-8 one ...)

I noticed something similar while trying to get locale.aliases to work
(see https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11815). I don't
know why the .utf8 suffixes to do not appear, but it might be related
(perhaps some configuration in glibc is incorrect?). Based on a little
bit of testing I did, I think that the utf8 locale might be present as
you can do setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.utf8") in C and it should work (you
might want to check this yourself). Perhaps the locale program just
isn't showing it?

> but its still unset:
> $ locale
> always outputs "POSIX"

I think you would need to set $LANG to actually change the language,

$ LANG="de_DE.UTF8" locale

> Also the (usb) keyboard layout does not change.
> What do I have to set so the getty has the correct default language?
> I also have yocto on a zynq board, where I also can't figure out how
> to 
> set the correct locale.
> Thank you very much
> Florian

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