In the dizzy branch (yes, I know it is quite old) I am trying to compile PHP
with postgresql support (lighttpd + postgresql 9.2.4).
I am getting the following error from insane.bbclass:
ERROR: This autoconf log indicates errors, it looked at host include and/or
library paths while determining system capabilities.Rerun configure task after
fixing this. The path was
Function failed: do_qa_configureERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
Task 5
do_configure) failed with exit code '1'
In the config.log, I can see in the configure options that there is a
-L/usr/bin/. !!!
What puzzles me, is that the error is only shown when I add
--with-pdo-pgsql="DIR" (where DIR is the location of pg_config). Else, it will
compile, but phpinfo() will not show postgresql support.
So, what can I do to change the -L /usr/bin/... directory ?
Thank you
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