Hi, I thought local.conf is automatically read, but I was wrong. For time being I put ‘ INHERIT += “my” ’ in layer.conf. Later on I will think of my own distro meta.
Maybe I am wrong, but yocto is missing ability to have kind of utility meta layer. But maybe it is just unnecessary bloat. Kind regards, Bartosz Woronicz Engineer, Software Configuration (SCM) Nokia Networks - PL/Wroclaw From: Chris Z. [mailto:winotu.em...@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:21 PM To: Woronicz, Bartosz (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw) <bartosz.woron...@nokia.com> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org Subject: Re: [yocto] Additional layers with class and conf HI, Have you checked full output of -e bitbake run ? Were INHERIT variable is resolved ? To check if *.conf file was checked ? Maybe some confs change INHERIT variables during parsing. Br, KZ On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 4:50 PM, Woronicz, Bartosz ( NSN - PL/Wroclaw) <bartosz.woron...@nokia.com<mailto:bartosz.woron...@nokia.com>> wrote: I got two layers, meta-x and meta-y , meta-x got meta-y in bblayers.conf. in meta-y contains conf/layer.conf with BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}", plus classes/my.bbclass plus local.conf containing INHERIT += "my" when I ran bitbake -e my-image, the INHERIT doesn't seem to contain "my" When I put it directly in layer.conf it works, but what to add to layer.conf to make bitbake to look for other *.conf files in meta-y/conf/ ?? My bblayers.conf.sample is modified in meta-x (the project meta), which is copied over to $BUILDDIR when i run oe-init-build-env , here is meta-y/conf/layer.conf : http://pastebin.com/mhxe9K5C when I ran bitbake -e my-image i see BBPATH="/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/poky/meta-yocto:/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/mymachine:/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/poky/meta:/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/poky/meta-yocto-bsp:/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/meta-x:/var/fpwork/mastier/myproject/meta-y" where "mymachine" is my BUILDDIR -- Kind regards, Bartosz Woronicz Engineer, Software Configuration (SCM) Nokia Networks - PL/Wroclaw -- _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list yocto@yoctoproject.org<mailto:yocto@yoctoproject.org> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto
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