That's a good point, I took a look at it. But for now I rather rely on poky 
distro. Later, possibly I will put my classes in INHERIT to mydistro.conf.


Kind regards,
Bartosz Woronicz
Engineer, Software Configuration (SCM)
Nokia Networks - PL/Wroclaw

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Eggleton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 10:29 PM
To: Woronicz, Bartosz (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw) <>
Subject: Re: [yocto] Additional layers with class and conf

On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 16:50:57 Woronicz, Bartosz wrote:
> I got two layers, meta-x and meta-y , meta-x got meta-y in
> bblayers.conf.   in meta-y contains conf/layer.conf with BBPATH .=
> ":${LAYERDIR}", plus classes/my.bbclass plus local.conf containing
> INHERIT += "my"

Do you mean you put local.conf in a conf subdirectory of a layer? If so,
that's not really expected to work.

> when I ran bitbake -e my-image, the INHERIT doesn't seem to contain "my"
> When I put it directly in layer.conf it works, but what to add to
> layer.conf to make bitbake to look for other *.conf files in meta-y/conf/ ??

You don't, at least not in that way. The correct way to do things like this is
to create a custom distro and then set DISTRO to point to it. Your distro conf 
file can then set these kinds of things.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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