In data mercoledì 1 giugno 2016 15:25:09, Oleksandr Poznyak ha scritto:
> Don't forget to add your fstab/inittab files into CONFFILES_${PN} cause if
> the package that includes them will be changed and You'll update it via
> package system, your POSTPROCESS hacks will be overwritten.
> Anyway, its better to avoid POSTPROCESS if possible.
> 1) Create *.bbappend recipe base-files_%s.bbappend in your layer. It
> appends to poky "base-files" recipe.
> 2) Create your own "python do_package_prepend" function where you should
> make your recipe produce two different packages
> 3) Add them to DEPENDS in your image recipe

Hi Oleksandr,

your approach is really interesting, but I'm unsure how to proceed with step 
2) of your list.

I've added the following in the bbappend:

python do_package_prepend() {
    d.setVar('PACKAGES', "${PACKAGES} ${PN}-fstab-regular ${PN}-fstab-flash")

which creates the two additional packages, but then I'm confused on how to 
manage the two 'variant' fstab files. The FILES variable doesn't support 
"source -> destination", so how do I manage the fact that two different files 
need to go to the same destination path?

An easier option would be to remove fstab in the base-files_%s.bbappend, and 
create 2 different .bb recipes for the 2 fstab files.

Thanks anyhow for your help,

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