On 11 February 2016 at 12:38, Woronicz, Bartosz ( NSN - PL/Wroclaw) <
bartosz.woron...@nokia.com> wrote:

> many thanks for nice explanation. At my shallow research, I notice, that
> valgrind is somewhat special demanding packages with debugging symbols,
> sooo... I actually don't need all packages to be unstripped. Only those I
> am developing and testing. Therefore i might need create some class that
> will require debug symbols.
> And, propalby I will also need glibc with DBG symbols... or not ?

Yes, if you set INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP then all of the sysroots will be
unstripped, but you'll want all the debug symbols for the libraries that
are used from the host (such as glibc).

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