
On 11 February 2016 at 10:44, Woronicz, Bartosz ( NSN - PL/Wroclaw) <
bartosz.woron...@nokia.com> wrote:

> Any ideas why I cannot build native valgrind ?
> http://pastebin.com/e2h6AWxN
> "Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['valgrind-native',
> 'glibc-dbg-native']"
> Also tried bitbake glibc-dbg . nothing provides that, but it is required
> in recipe

The short answer is because valgrind doesn't have a native form yet.
Presumably you added BBCLASSEXTEND=native yourself, so you get to fix it. :)

valgrind RRECOMMENDS $(TCLIBC)-dbg as without debugging symbols it's fairly
useless, and TCLIBC is the variable for the libc being used (in your case,
glibc).  As a recommends, it will be built.

However, native recipes don't usually depend on the C library (base.bbclass
handles the addition of those core dependencies, and doesn't run on native
builds) so you've hit a new corner case.

The easy fix would be to remove the recommends in the native build case:

RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""

Surprisingly enough it then builds!

Also remember that we strip the native sysroot, so if you want a native
valgrind to be useful in any way you'll have to disable that too

(it would probably be easier to use the host valgrind, to be honest)

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