* Andy Hung(洪翊桓_Pegatron) <andy_h...@pegatroncorp.com> [151125 11:53]:

> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 14:25:14 +0100
> From: Anders Darander <and...@chargestorm.se>
> To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: Re: [yocto] Header files in /usr/include of rootfs
> Message-ID: <20151124132514.gb2...@ad.chargestorm.se>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

> * Andy Hung(???_Pegatron) <andy_h...@pegatroncorp.com> [151124 11:35]:
> > I was trying to add some pre-built binaries and files by using a recipe.
> > The recipe has something like this:

> > SRC_URI = file://files<file:///\\files> ?
> > do_install() {
> >     install ?d ${D}
> > }

>       > What files are you installing? How does those look like?
>       The content of the folder has those sub-folders, sbin, root, lib, etc.
>       Those sub-folders contains files such as executable binaries, config 
> files, kernel modules, .so files ...
>       All these files are actually built from the source code of a specific 
> WiFi driver,
>       what I want to do is installing all pre-built binaries/files into 
> corresponding locations in rootfs.

There's no way to build this using OE?...

Though, sure, it's should work as long as the binaries and kernel
modules actually loads and runs.

> > FILES_${PN} = ?/*?

>       > Here you add say that anything that has been installed, but not put 
> into any other package, should be added to ${PN}. Is that what you want?
>       Yes, all files are installed in a package.

> > ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = ?1?

>       > Remove this one unless ${PN} is going to be empty.
>       This line is removed.

> > INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = ?debug-files dev-so?

>       > These might be needed if you get certain QA-warnings/error without 
> them.
>       Yes, got some QA-warnings when building so I keep this.

> > The result was all the binaries and files installed and packages are 
> > created, But I also found kernel header files are also built in under 
> > /usr/include in rootfs image.
> > For my understanding those header files should be used if I want to 
> > develop/debug applications on the target device but it is not the case.

Could you check if any -dev packages gets installed into the image? If
so which one? Do anything like kernel-src or something similar gets

> > Also I noticed the use of INSANE_SKIP_${PN} so I check the usage of 
> > debug-files and dev-so, And it turned out there are .debug folders in the 
> > WORKDIR/package folder so I thought that is why debug-files was used.

>       > See answer below.

> > The questions are,
> > Why are those kernel header files installed in rootfs? How do I prevent 
> > thisa?

>       > I assume that they aren't in the package you just created? Do you 
> have anything in your package that might have a dependency on the kernel 
> headers? Do you have anything in your IMAGE_FEATURES?
>       No, header files aren't in the package.
>       I checked the driver source code and many files include kernel headers 
> like this  "#include <linux/xxx.h>" , is this what you meant by dependency on 
> kernel headers?

Are the source code packaged installed and packaged?

Can you inspect the generated package ${PN}, and see what it's depencies

>       IMAGE_FEATURES was not used in the recipe file.

That would rather be in either local.conf, distro, or in your image.

> > Why are there .debug in the package folder, it should only be in package 
> > ?dbg folder, right?

>       > Where are the .debug directories located? You should add them to:
>       > FILES_${PN}-dbg += "<location>/.debug"
>       I add this line and rebuild but the result seems unchanged.
>       the .debug folders are located in 
>       ${WORKDIR}/package
>       ${WORKDIR}/package-split/<package name> - dbg

I don't understand. Were the .debug directories located in
packages-split/<package-name>-dbg? If so, that's where we want them.

Which package do you add to your image? 
If you remove that package, do you still get the kernel headers


Anders Darander, Senior System Architect
ChargeStorm AB / eStorm AB
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