* Andy Hung(洪翊桓_Pegatron) <andy_h...@pegatroncorp.com> [151124 11:35]:
> I was trying to add some pre-built binaries and files by using a recipe.
> The recipe has something like this:

> SRC_URI = file://files<file:///\\files>
> …
> do_install() {
>     install –d ${D}
> }

What files are you installing? How does those look like?

> FILES_${PN} = “/*”

Here you add say that anything that has been installed, but not put into
any other package, should be added to ${PN}. Is that what you want?

> ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = “1”

Remove this one unless ${PN} is going to be empty.

> INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = “debug-files dev-so”

These might be needed if you get certain QA-warnings/error without them.

> The result was all the binaries and files installed and packages are created,
> But I also found kernel header files are also built in under /usr/include in 
> rootfs image.
> For my understanding those header files should be used if I want to 
> develop/debug applications on the target device but it is not the case.

> Also I noticed the use of INSANE_SKIP_${PN} so I check the usage of 
> debug-files and dev-so,
> And it turned out there are .debug folders in the WORKDIR/package folder so I 
> thought that is why debug-files was used.

See answer below.

> The questions are,
> Why are those kernel header files installed in rootfs? How do I prevent thisa?

I assume that they aren't in the package you just created? Do you have
anything in your package that might have a dependency on the kernel
headers? Do you have anything in your IMAGE_FEATURES?

> Why are there .debug in the package folder, it should only be in package –dbg 
> folder, right?

Where are the .debug directories located? You should add them to:
FILES_${PN}-dbg += "<location>/.debug"


Anders Darander, Senior System Architect
ChargeStorm AB / eStorm AB
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