Still formatting the results, but should reply with the usage I've
seen.  Below is a profile of 5 customers who are actively using OE in

#1: 6yrs, Angstrom, git subm, OPKG, GTK, systemd, glibc, C++, Jenkins, no tools
#2: 2yrs, Angstrom, git subm, OPKG, HTML/JS, systemd, glibc, C++/JS,
no CI, no tools
#3: 2yrs, nodistro/custom, git subm, OPKG, no GUI, sysvinit, musl,
Lua/C, no CI, no tools
#4: 3yrs, Angstrom, git subm, OPKG, no GUI, systemd, glibc, C++/TCL,
no CI, no tools
#5: 5yrs, Angstrom & custom, git subm, OPKG, Qt, sysvinit, gllibc,
C++, no CI, no tools

All customers primarily develop apps on PC/test on target.  One is
using OE generated SDK's.

Most new projects I do will be moving from Angstrom to nodisto/custom distro.

musl has been working great on one project, so expect to use that more
in the future.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Cliff Brake <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to get some feedback on the following questions -- feel free
> to respond to list, or directly to me, and I'll withhold your
> name/company from any results.
> I would like to collect feedback until 2015-11-02, and will summarize
> the results after that.
> My goal with this survey is to get a sense for best practices and what
> is most commonly used among Yocto/OE developers so I can better advise
> clients using Yocto/OE.  Hopefully this will also generate some
> interesting discussions.
> How long have you been using OE?  _____
> How do you use OE/Yocto?
> [  ] product development
> [  ] hobby/research/education/yocto core developer, etc
> What distro do you use?
> [  ] Poky
> [  ] Angstrom
> [  ] nodistro or custom
> How do you organize multiple git repos?
> [  ] Git submodules
> [  ] Repo
> [  ] Other
> What packaging system?
> [  ] OPKG
> [  ] RPM
> [  ] Other
> What GUI toolkits?
> [  ] Qt
> [  ] Gtk
> [  ] EFL
> [  ] HTML5/JS
> [  ] Other
> What init system?
> [  ] systemd
> [  ] sysvinit
> [  ] busybox init
> [  ] Other
> What libc?
> [  ] glibc
> [  ] uclibc
> [  ] musl
> [  ] Other
> How do you develop custom applications?
> [  ] application-SDK
> [  ] devshell
> [  ] develop on PC, test on target
> [  ] Other
> What language do you primarily use for custom applications?
> [  ] C
> [  ] C++
> [  ] Python
> [  ] Javascript
> [  ] Lua
> [  ] Other
> What do you use for Continuous Integration?
> [  ] Buildbot
> [  ] Jenkins
> [  ] Other
> Do you use any any of the tooling projects
> ( such as ADT,
> Hob, Toaster, etc?
> _______________________
> Reasons or explanations are appreciated, and please feel free to
> include additional choices/information you think are relevant.
> Thanks,
> Cliff
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