On 10/26, Cliff Brake wrote:
> How long have you been using OE?  

~3 years

> How do you use OE/Yocto?
 [ X ] product development
 [ X ] hobby/research/education/yocto core developer, etc
> What distro do you use?
 [   ] Poky
 [   ] Angstrom
 [ X ] nodistro or custom (Based on Poky)
> How do you organize multiple git repos?
 [   ] Git submodules
 [ X ] Repo
 [ X ] Other (Customer Python scripts)
> What packaging system?
 [   ] OPKG
 [   ] RPM
 [ X ] Other (IPK)
> What GUI toolkits?
 [ X ] Qt
 [ X ] Gtk
 [   ] EFL
 [ X ] HTML5/JS
 [   ] Other
 Our clients develop in QML.

> What init system?
 [   ] systemd
 [ X ] sysvinit
 [ X ] busybox init
 [   ] Other
> What libc?
 [ X ] glibc
 [   ] uclibc
 [   ] musl
 [   ] Other
> How do you develop custom applications?
 [   ] application-SDK
 [ X ] devshell
 [ X ] develop on PC, test on target
 [   ] Other
> What language do you primarily use for custom applications?
 [ X ] C
 [ X ] C++
 [   ] Python
 [   ] Javascript
 [   ] Lua
 [   ] Other
 Qt for C++

> What do you use for Continuous Integration?
 [   ] Buildbot
 [ X ] Jenkins
 [   ] Other

Tried buildbot but it required too much customization for our small

> Do you use any any of the tooling projects
> (https://www.yoctoproject.org/tools-resources/projects) such as ADT,
> Hob, Toaster, etc?
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