On 04/21/2015 08:21 AM, Mills, Clayton wrote:
On 17 April 2015 14:28, Bruce Ashfield wrote:

On 2015-04-17 6:12 AM, Mills, Clayton wrote:
Hi All,

I'm having a little trouble with do_validate_branches() inherited by my 
I'm building the 3.14.28 kernel with ltsi kernel patch set applied, so was 
trying to set this up with a custom linux recipe in my bsp.
Out of curiosity, was something missing in the linux-yocto 3.14 LTSI 
integration ? I'll comment on the specifics below, but I was wondering about 
that high level point as well.
I'll admit I'm new to yocto so if I've missed where I could have easily 
selected v3.14.28-ltsi along the way then my bad. Unfortunate because I'm 
probably making more work for myself. Though this is probably as good an 
opportunity for learning my way around. To be honest in the very near future I 
will be building from a branch that is forked off of v3.14.28-ltsi with some 
custom stuff anyway, so perhaps this isn't a complete waste of time.

Feel free to expand on what I should be doing. Like I said, I'm new to yocto.

The kernel's that we select for release with the fall Yocto project are LTSI kernel versions. As such, the LTSI changes are merged into both a standalone branch, and then into each and every BSP branch in the kernel. So any of the SRCREVs that you get by default for the qemu* BSPs have the LTSI content integrated and present. For custom BSPs, they can branch from standard/base and have that same LTSI content present in their

Pointing to a branch in my own git repo that has the patch set pre-applied.
I've got a clone of dizzy. Which I used yocto-bsp create to start my bsp layer.

But the process stops in do_validate_branches() with the following error log:
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_validate_branches
usage: git cat-file (-t|-s|-e|-p|<type>|--textconv) <object>
     or: git cat-file (--batch|--batch-check) < <list_of_objects>

<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag
      -t                    show object type
      -s                    show object size
      -e                    exit with zero when there's no error
      -p                    pretty-print object's content
      --textconv            for blob objects, run textconv on object's content
      --batch[=<format>]    show info and content of objects fed from the 
standard input
                            show info about objects fed from the
standard input

ERROR:  is not a valid commit ID.
ERROR: The kernel source tree may be out of sync
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
Do you have the entire log pastebin'd somewhere ? It would be nice to know if 
this is the meta, or machine validation that is getting an empty commit.

ERROR: Function failed: do_validate_branches (log file is located at

The do_validate_branches() code from kernel-yocto.bbclass is as follows...
---------- # Ensure that the branches (BSP and meta) are on the
locations specified by # their SRCREV values. If they are NOT on the
right commits, the branches # are corrected to the proper commit.
do_validate_branches() {
          set +e
          cd ${S}
          export KMETA=${KMETA}

          machine_branch="${@ get_machine_branch(d, "${KBRANCH}" )}"


          # if SRCREV is AUTOREV it shows up as AUTOINC there's nothing to
          # check and we can exit early
          if [ "${machine_srcrev}" = "AUTOINC" ]; then
                  bbnote "SRCREV validation is not required for AUTOREV"
          elif [ "${machine_srcrev}" = "" ] && [ "${SRCREV}" != "AUTOINC" ]; 
                  # SRCREV_machine_<MACHINE> was not set. This means that a 
custom recipe
                  # that doesn't use the SRCREV_FORMAT "machine_meta" is being 
built. In
                  # this case, we need to reset to the give SRCREV before 
heading to patching
                  bbnote "custom recipe is being built, forcing SRCREV to 
                  git cat-file -t ${machine_srcrev} > /dev/null
                  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                          bberror "${machine_srcrev} is not a valid commit ID."
                          bbfatal "The kernel source tree may be out of sync"

          ## KMETA branch validation.
          if [ "${target_meta_head}" = "AUTOINC" ] || [ "${target_meta_head}" = 
"" ]; then
                  bbnote "SRCREV validation skipped for AUTOREV or empty meta 
                  meta_head=`git show-ref -s --heads ${KMETA}`

                  git cat-file -t ${target_meta_head} > /dev/null
                  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                          bberror "${target_meta_head} is not a valid commit ID"
                          bbfatal "The kernel source tree may be out of sync"
                  if [ "$meta_head" != "$target_meta_head" ]; then
                          bbnote "Setting branch ${KMETA} to 
                          git branch -m ${KMETA} ${KMETA}-orig
                          git checkout -q -b ${KMETA} ${target_meta_head}
                          if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
                                  bbfatal "Could not checkout ${KMETA} branch from 
known hash ${target_meta_head}"

          git checkout -q -f ${machine_branch}
          if [ -n "${force_srcrev}" ]; then
                  # see if the branch we are about to patch has been properly 
reset to the defined
                  # SRCREV .. if not, we reset it.
                  branch_head=`git rev-parse HEAD`
                  if [ "${force_srcrev}" != "${branch_head}" ]; then
                          current_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
                          git branch "$current_branch-orig"
                          git reset --hard ${force_srcrev}

It seems like the problem is...
git cat-file -t ${machine_srcrev}
But ${machine_srcrev} is an empty string when it gets to it.

My linux-yocto-custom.bb in my bsp is as follows...
inherit kernel
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc


SRC_URI += "file://mylayer.scc \
              file://mylayer.cfg \
              file://mylayer-user-config.cfg \
              file://mylayer-user-patches.scc \

KBRANCH = "v3.14.28-ltsi"

LINUX_VERSION ?= "3.14.28"


PR = "r0"

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mymach = "mymach"

# prepend to do_configure()
# makes a link from the defconfig that is going to be used by #
kernel_do_configure() to the defconfig we have set up in kernel souce
do_configure_prepend () {
          ln -sf "${WORKDIR}/linux-stable/arch/arm/configs/myconfig_defconfig" 

My thoughts are that ${machine_srcrev}, should be ${SRCREV_machine}, which should be 
Rather than the empty string it is evaluating as.
Because of the SRCREV="${AUTOREV}" line in my bsp layer linux-yocto-custom.bb.

Replacing a line in the kernel-yocto.bbclass as follows... (please excuse my 
self-created pseudo-diff, I'm in a rush)
-    machine_srcrev="${SRCREV_machine}"
+    machine_srcrev="${@ get_machine_branch(d, "${SRCREV}" )}"

Seems make it resolve as "AUTOINC" and fix the problem.
But I would have thought that ${SRCREV_machine} should be resolving as my 
machine branch ${SRCREV} anyway.
So really this change shouldn't have done anything.

So I guess what I'm wondering is, what am I missing about how and where 
"${SRCREV_machine}" is set and how it resolves?
You just need to set SRCREV_machine=" <your commit hash> " and things should 
work. It's a variable like any other, and is triggered for use by the SRCREV_format variable 
you'll see in the linux-yocto includes (and that sets it to meta_machine), which indicates that 
both a _machine and _meta SRCREV are used for the recipes.
Yeah, it works when I set SRCREV, or SRCREV_machine for that matter, to a 
commit hash in my linux-yocto-custom.bb but then I'm going to have to update 
this every time my custom branch progresses in the future.
I would have hoped setting SRCREV="${AUTOREV}" in my layer would result in SRCREV_machine 
being set correctly to "AUTOINC", straight out of the box so to speak, but it seems to 
not have been or not be resolving.

That's how I typically work as well, for non developer builds AUTOREV is considered evil, since you don't have a consistent or repeatable build, so a defined SRCREV is normally something that is set when you are locking down a build for a release, or
some other similar milestone.

Adding SRCREV_machine="${AUTOREV}" to my layer's .bb, as you suggest later, 
does fix the problem as would be expected.

The reason that SRCREV is checked in those routines, is for compatibility with 
recipes that don't use the same format, or existing recipes that only set 
SRCREV .. and it's a game or corner cases (which was streamlined a bit more in 
1.8 release).

But in both of the validation cases, you should either be hitting this 
condition for the machine branch:

elif [ "${machine_srcrev}" = "" ] && [ "${SRCREV}" != "AUTOINC" ]; then

Interesting because when I get to this point ${machine_srcrev} was "" and ${SRCREV} is 
"AUTOINC". Which causes this block to not be entered due to the != clause. Interesting 
anyway, I won't claim to understand the finer points of the SRCREV_format stuff you've discussed.

and for meta:

if [ "${target_meta_head}" = "AUTOINC" ] || [ "${target_meta_head}" = ""
]; then

It didn't get to this as before this it tried to use the empty 
${machine_srcrev} with a git command.

In both cases, they'll skip validation and not try to cat that empty revision, 
but looking at it more closely .. I can see that it might just be falling into 
the third part of the test and going after the empty commit .. another path 
through the maze!

Yes, a maze indeed. Seems that what gets created for a custom linux build by 
yocto-bsp create, for dizzy at least, has some cracks in the walls where things 
can fall through.

Short-term, just set SRCREV_machine, or pick a fixed revision for your SRCREV 
and you should pass the test.
Thanks for your help. As mentioned above setting SRCREV_machine="${AUTOREV}" in 
my layer .bb fixed the problem. As least this way I don't need to edit the .bbclass.


So from what you're saying it seems like my original work around in the 
.bbclass of...
-    machine_srcrev="${SRCREV_machine}"
+    machine_srcrev="${@ get_machine_branch(d, "${SRCREV}" )}"
To get it to retrieve the machine branch SRCREV, which seems to not have been 
set at this point. Was pretty close to a good fix. Particularly when I look at 
the line above where it gets the machine branch ${KBRANCH} in the same way.

I've not looked at whether this corner case slips through the cracks since this 
stuff was reworked. Perhaps I should.

I did peek, and I kept those pretty consistent, so the new code would probably
have let it through as well.

I'll adjust the statements here and send out a fix, but I wanted to make sure
you were up and running first.





Any help or comments would be appreciated.

Clayton Mills


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