Hi All,

I'm having a little trouble with do_validate_branches() inherited by my 
I'm building the 3.14.28 kernel with ltsi kernel patch set applied, so was 
trying to set this up with a custom linux recipe in my bsp.
Pointing to a branch in my own git repo that has the patch set pre-applied.
I've got a clone of dizzy. Which I used yocto-bsp create to start my bsp layer.

But the process stops in do_validate_branches() with the following error log:
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_validate_branches
usage: git cat-file (-t|-s|-e|-p|<type>|--textconv) <object>
   or: git cat-file (--batch|--batch-check) < <list_of_objects>

<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag
    -t                    show object type
    -s                    show object size
    -e                    exit with zero when there's no error
    -p                    pretty-print object's content
    --textconv            for blob objects, run textconv on object's content
    --batch[=<format>]    show info and content of objects fed from the 
standard input
                          show info about objects fed from the standard input

ERROR:  is not a valid commit ID.
ERROR: The kernel source tree may be out of sync
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
ERROR: Function failed: do_validate_branches (log file is located at 

The do_validate_branches() code from kernel-yocto.bbclass is as follows...
# Ensure that the branches (BSP and meta) are on the locations specified by
# their SRCREV values. If they are NOT on the right commits, the branches
# are corrected to the proper commit.
do_validate_branches() {
        set +e
        cd ${S}
        export KMETA=${KMETA}

        machine_branch="${@ get_machine_branch(d, "${KBRANCH}" )}"


        # if SRCREV is AUTOREV it shows up as AUTOINC there's nothing to
        # check and we can exit early
        if [ "${machine_srcrev}" = "AUTOINC" ]; then
                bbnote "SRCREV validation is not required for AUTOREV"
        elif [ "${machine_srcrev}" = "" ] && [ "${SRCREV}" != "AUTOINC" ]; then
                # SRCREV_machine_<MACHINE> was not set. This means that a 
custom recipe
                # that doesn't use the SRCREV_FORMAT "machine_meta" is being 
built. In
                # this case, we need to reset to the give SRCREV before heading 
to patching
                bbnote "custom recipe is being built, forcing SRCREV to 
                git cat-file -t ${machine_srcrev} > /dev/null
                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                        bberror "${machine_srcrev} is not a valid commit ID."
                        bbfatal "The kernel source tree may be out of sync"

        ## KMETA branch validation.
        if [ "${target_meta_head}" = "AUTOINC" ] || [ "${target_meta_head}" = 
"" ]; then
                bbnote "SRCREV validation skipped for AUTOREV or empty meta 
                meta_head=`git show-ref -s --heads ${KMETA}`

                git cat-file -t ${target_meta_head} > /dev/null
                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                        bberror "${target_meta_head} is not a valid commit ID"
                        bbfatal "The kernel source tree may be out of sync"
                if [ "$meta_head" != "$target_meta_head" ]; then
                        bbnote "Setting branch ${KMETA} to ${target_meta_head}"
                        git branch -m ${KMETA} ${KMETA}-orig
                        git checkout -q -b ${KMETA} ${target_meta_head}
                        if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
                                bbfatal "Could not checkout ${KMETA} branch 
from known hash ${target_meta_head}"

        git checkout -q -f ${machine_branch}
        if [ -n "${force_srcrev}" ]; then
                # see if the branch we are about to patch has been properly 
reset to the defined
                # SRCREV .. if not, we reset it.
                branch_head=`git rev-parse HEAD`
                if [ "${force_srcrev}" != "${branch_head}" ]; then
                        current_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
                        git branch "$current_branch-orig"
                        git reset --hard ${force_srcrev}

It seems like the problem is...
git cat-file -t ${machine_srcrev}
But ${machine_srcrev} is an empty string when it gets to it.

My linux-yocto-custom.bb in my bsp is as follows...
inherit kernel
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc


SRC_URI += "file://mylayer.scc \
            file://mylayer.cfg \
            file://mylayer-user-config.cfg \
            file://mylayer-user-patches.scc \

KBRANCH = "v3.14.28-ltsi"

LINUX_VERSION ?= "3.14.28"


PR = "r0"

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mymach = "mymach"

# prepend to do_configure()
# makes a link from the defconfig that is going to be used by
# kernel_do_configure() to the defconfig we have set up in kernel souce
do_configure_prepend () {
        ln -sf "${WORKDIR}/linux-stable/arch/arm/configs/myconfig_defconfig" 

My thoughts are that ${machine_srcrev}, should be ${SRCREV_machine}, which 
should be "AUTOINC".
Rather than the empty string it is evaluating as.
Because of the SRCREV="${AUTOREV}" line in my bsp layer linux-yocto-custom.bb.

Replacing a line in the kernel-yocto.bbclass as follows... (please excuse my 
self-created pseudo-diff, I'm in a rush)
-    machine_srcrev="${SRCREV_machine}"
+    machine_srcrev="${@ get_machine_branch(d, "${SRCREV}" )}"

Seems make it resolve as "AUTOINC" and fix the problem.
But I would have thought that ${SRCREV_machine} should be resolving as my 
machine branch ${SRCREV} anyway.
So really this change shouldn't have done anything.

So I guess what I'm wondering is, what am I missing about how and where 
"${SRCREV_machine}" is set and how it resolves?

Any help or comments would be appreciated.

Clayton Mills


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